Republican Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

sobls v. elusT OIWMUTIB OOMJUMP JaJKAPP KOWES. ikuu, Douurat xaiB. THOMPSOX CO. "NO.

PUPLIO SQUARE- ARE now prepared to offer to their customers and the public generally, the Tichest aad belt usorV ed Stock of Spring and bummer ever offered berore. Those wishing to buy would do well to give ua a call. We take great pleasure In ahowmg our (ioods. SILKS. Our assortment Is now complete, consisting In part of Uich Flounced Silks, aU quantities, do Stripe do dodo Plaid do do.

Plain fiilksaij colors and. lot of Evening Silks- Wedding Dresses, in great variety, with all the Parsphenalia complete- BAKEGES AND MTTSIOTS. The Ladies will find in our Stock of Bareges and Muslins lost the things they. want Splendid flounced Bareges, all qualities, do do Grenadines, do do Figured Baregea, do do Grenadines, do do Emb. Flouncecl Grenadine, Empress Eugenie; Plain and Fignred Bareges, all kinds.

ANSrftfw J. SMITH, NO. 45, BROADWAY, SASH IsLXE TENNESSEE. SEALXK is Teiinetee Iron, Castings, HailB, 8teeV Wagon' Aales, BhpUc Spring, And ail other articles In his line ofbuslness, -which be offers at Wholesale or Sctan, low. for cash, ut the tAove stand.

Jan. 13, 1856. CHURCH ANDERSON, WHOLESALE GROOER, PRODUCE DEALER, COJtmiSSION AND DEALEB IN Foreign and Domostic Liquors, IBOHj- -CASTINGS, HIDES, ASD SOLE LEATHER, Corner of Front ciBl'oad Streets, Nashville, Tenn. Jan. 4.

PITISIIDUrr OAL Aim co*kE. COLEMAN A CO. SEALERS 'IN PITTSBURG COAL' AND OOKE, AND PINE LUMBER. Corner Iro-it and.Broad Street, on the leyae, SABHVIIiS, ilENS. JTHERB they intend keeping supply of the TT above articles at reasonable prices.

Families and large oensumers of Coal and Cote supplied by contract oh fair Jan. EVANS CO. -Wholesale Sealers in Dry Goods, NASIIVILLK, TENN. WE are now opening in our new Marble Storehouse North aide of the Public Square, a very, large and desirable stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Ac purchased our Goods under the -most favorable circ*mstances, we are prepared to offer inducements to merchants" visiting our and respectfully solicit them to giro our stock an examination before; purchasinglse. We would call, special attention to.

our stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, Bonnets, Ribbons, Mantles, c. Feb.111. CO. gabdnb, SHEPHERD CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS SHOES, HATS, AND STRAW GOODS, NASHVILLE, TEW.

'TTTE would inform our customers and the trade gene-VV rally thatsincethe.laleFire inwhich the building we occupied was was consumed we have removed our -stock toNo. 49 westflde of the Square, up stairs adjoin-' ing Messrs. AUiBon" Anderson A Co. i Sine have received large additions to our stock, Including a great variety of Goods, suited to the season; to which we respectfully invite, the attention of Merchants. Orders solicited andfilled with care.

GARDNER, SHEPHERD A CO. April 82. Murfreesboro Telegraph, Shelbyville" Expositor, Columbia Mirror, Lebanon Herald, Winchester Appeal Fayette-vilte Observer.Pulaskl Citizen; 'Sparta Times, Knoxville Whig, Athens Post, Clarksville Chronicle, Chattanooga Ad- vertlser, Huntsville (Ala;) Democrat Busselvllle (Ky.) Herald and Franklin Review copy toXl.e amount of 2, each INSCBAIf ClOXPANY Or ItsUTILLl: CHAWVHMI BY: THK SIMEM -1 -ma uompany lanaw ua tucceaarai opera-A. Hon, end is prepared to takemtsxs on Boil-snos, Goons and Waxes, aad Isabhaxdixb, against LOSS ANn-DAifAOX SY T1RI1 Also, on Goods, Wore) and Merchandise and Cargoes gen. erally, against the 8iAS, Rrvsxs; and' Ila) TEAasroaTA.

Tjoa, upon as favorable terms as any otBce In Jfeaegyv (W Office, No. S5, on OoUen Street, opposite the 8 wAXBE Hocsx. WM. V. MATTHEWS, Jonx S.

DA8HTHL, Secretary, i President. May 1, '50 tr. NASHVlXUCOXIffia3CIAL IH3TJABC COMP'Y Capital SiOO.000!! ALL PAJb lN AND SEOVREDtl I is Company lieing fully organised, accor-X ding to Charter, is prepared to write Policies against LOS3 OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Ecilbisos, Goons, Waxes, and Meechasdize generally. Also, on Shipments against Loss or Damage by Seas, Rivers, or Ixlasd Tbasspobtatiox, on the most favorable I5j LIFE and NEGRO Policies granted at current rates. la unite, u.

tiv ijuitege sixeet, EAStsme, nstween unto Street and the Public directors.1 Alexander FaU, I Henry James Anth. WiVanleer, Thos. W. Evans, JohnH-Ewin, John Brkman, rWi T. Berry.

McNairy, -1 -i Wesley Greenfield. ALEXANDER FALL, irwlien. James Walxeb, Secretary, i April 80, '54. Tennessee Marine Fire IHSUBAHBK C0HFAH7, -Oaoltal tlSO.OOO! OFFICE In the Nortli-West Corker of the Public Square, over Dyer Exchange take risks on Dwellinrs and other Bouses, Goods in Store against Loss or Damage by Fire. Also, Marine and River nazarus, irom ana to au ports.

ALSO HegTOes agaiiist Oir dangwi of the Eiver. DIRECTORS. 'y JorotM. Hiix, iLxx.ALLisGx, 1 Thoxpsoh Aasxksoa James Coeret, R. H.

Gaeioieb, F. A. G. M. Fogg, Joseph, VarLx, James J5lus, N.

Z.AIXOWAY, W. S. Eaeix. JOSEPH 7AULX, Prf(imf. A.

W. Bctur, Secretary. foct -tf. Regular Hew Orleans) and Nashville racKet. THE New Steamer Tons Burthen Captain R.

L. DI3-MUKES. This Steamer now being built at Louisville, will be finished bv the 10th No vember, when she will take her place In the trade as a regular packet. The Scotland is an entirely new Boit of the First Class, and built exclusively for tbe 'Nashville- and New Orleans trade her light draught enabling her to come with a load when others can come only light. 'We solicit for her a share oi puoiic A.

UASlll.TU;l -I. JOHNSON. HORIE A Co. t3? We want to hire 20 ncjrroc as deck hands and urciueu lor tue auuve uoau juct ST. LOUIS NASHVILLE PACKETS ALEONIA James Sillier, Master.

I JfeSJSl SALL1E WEST, I Jth J.N. Corbett Ilaater; rpflE above Bteamert in the St. Ipuia J- ana wasnvme traae daring tneseaton. Tneir sccom-modations for passengers are equal to any Steamboats on the Cumberland river, and their respective officers willfdc au in uteir power to auu tne conuortoi people traveJmg With them. 1.

Oct 10 tf. Agent. NASHVILLE AKD NEW OMtEAKS PACKET, A iTI I A ILL run the ensuing season between the above ports. The ASIEIUCA has been docked and thoroaghly repaired this fall. and tre have no hesitation in saying, that she is, in respect to eaual to any boat in the trade.

Her cabin has been thoroughly overhauled, and the' traveling munity may rely on tnis.Doat mucn comfort as any boat in the trade. Capt Johneon'a long experience in the trade, without any accident, is suuicient to. prove his superior kill. His attention to passengers is without fault. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, or JUiiBSUN, BO.t No.

29, Market A. X. DAVIB, Oct. 17. tf.

U. S. Mail Patket Office, Agents. CATHARTIC BILLS OPERATE by their powerful iijflnenee on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action. They remove the obstructions cf the hver? and other organs of the body, and, by restoring then; irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exist, bucK derangements as-are-the first causes of disease.

An extensive trial of their Physicians, and Patients, has shown cures of dangerous diseases almost.beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persons of such-exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Their certificates are published in. my American Almanac, which the Agents below named ore pleased to furnish free to nil inquiring. Annexed we give Directions for their use in the complaints which they have been found to cure. For Costivesess.

Take one or two Pills, or such quantity as to gently move the bowels. Cos-tiveness is frequently the aggravating cause, of Piles, and the cure of one complaint is the cure of both. No person can feel well while under a costive habit of body. Hence it should be, as it can be, promptly relieved. Fob Dyspepsia, which is sometimes the cause of Costivencss, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses from one to four to stimulate the and liver into healthy action.

They will do it, and the heartburn, bodyburn, tad soulbufn of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear. When it has gone, don't forget what cured you. For a Foul Stomach, or ilorbid Inaction of the Bowels, which produces general depression of the spirits and bad health, take from eight Pills at first, and smaller. doses afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to' the system. FoeNervocbmess, Sick Headache, Nausea, Pain in the Stomach, Back, or' Side, take from four to eight pills on going to bed.

If thev do not operate sufficiently, take more the next day until tney do. These complaints will be swept out from the system. Don't wear these and their: kindred disorders Decause your stomach, is foul. Fob SckopulX, Eemipelas," and ail. Diseases of the Skin, take the Pills'freely aiid frequently, to keep the bowels open.

The eruptions will generally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many dreadful' ulcers and sores have been healed up by the purging and purifying effect of these Puis, and some disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health. Patients your duty to society forbids that you should parade yourself around the world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any of the unclean diseases of the because your system wants cleansing. To Pueift the Blood, they are the best medicine ever discovered. They should he taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow the seeds of incurable diseases will be sweptjoutof the system like chaff before the wind.

By this property they do as much good in preventing siclness as by the remarkable: cures which, they are iri.lriTig every where. i LrvER- Complaint, Jaundice, andaU Bilious Affections arise from some derangement either torpidity; congestion, or obstructions ol ffie liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the. health, and.

the xonstitution is frequently undermined by np other cause. Indigestion is the symp-- torn. Obstruction of the.duct-which empties tha bile into the stomach- causes the bile to overflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dttlgerpus trainof evils. Costrreness, ot alternately costivenesa diarrhoea prevails.

Feverish languor, low spirits, weariness, sometimes in-ability to sleep' and sometimes great drowsiness; sometimes there is sevefe-pain in the. skin and the'whlte of the eyes become a greenish yellow the stomach acid; the. bowels sore1 to the touch; the whole system irritable," with a tendency to fever, which" may turn to bilious fever; bilious colicrbilious diarrhoea, dysentery, medium dose of three or four Pills taken at night, fallowed by. two or tlirce m'the morning, and repeated a few days, will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to smfliar for 25 Coot, giitf att IvHfmmmatmy Fe-' tin IMutaisWSssMai of-these -Pills" "they afford; to Jth'o ntaltiBOTle' or'jre; these- and aU lded- complalutB taken in mild dbses to move th'tiowels gently, but iii-A' As-a DnrsER PiLi, this is both' agreeable and; No Pai canbemademore pleasant to take, and rtamly none has been' made more to the purpose for which a dinner pill i employed.

PREPARED BY o.tEim, Practical and Analytical Cbemist, LOWELL, A 8 8. AND SOLD BY v. nsnr AfcaiovitLB. Jo. G.

Bbowk. Anil' by all Druggists and dealeiifn. -Medicine ttiroujinout tne onutn April 19 riARffssiAi.TTitnnp nV9Trltl 6X1 SMCTH, MYB CO. Aprils. Market t.

Successor to EUi A Moore, Of OarkfTlBa. NEW IRON yOBlf DRY. ELLIS BEAUMONT, TEQ leave to Inform their Meads antf the pobUc that I I thnw hfivn r-nar-ln' m-alLw Tim unri IKON FOUNDRY, adjoining tie-Machine Saopof fttia MAwaaMouuuu ui gubi du w- FILL AIX OBDBtS 'PBOIaTTIiT, For every descriplion of CASINHS that nay be call-: ed for, and as cheap as it can be done weLt of the Mux Oiasraa; Hoebk Powias, Sisft Wsioure, Ba SUIs, I.lntlesr Gbats Baas, Wats CnrntflBmnrBBa- nnrt flksmKn. used in the construction -orilonr MOIs, Saw Mills, lurnaces," and pweUings, inae to order at snort notice. We will also furnish every description.

of Steam, ana Wator Machinery at the lowest pbicss. Patterns made to order, and no charge for aso ofpatterns wnich.wenaye in onr Foundry, Ths highest PricepaJdinworkLforoIdIron.DM0KT) 8i Market Street, near Broad. Jan. 25 ly. Nashville, Tenn; STEAM ENGINES AND jkClll Maciilnery.

NOBLE D. EL LIS, "(SCCCESSOB TO. ELLIS ASD U00RB.) Irnportaiit addltionato his machinery and greatly increased his -facilities formamifdCtutiDg. STEAM ENGINHSand Machinery of every description, Is now prepared to Manufacture. Steam Engines and Boilers equal in point of hnish and durability to any made in the Westj.andatas low.

prices. been engaged In the Manufactnre of Machinery in Nashville for last- fifteen years, and giving his personal attention to the manufacturing Department, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction' lo all may. favor him their ordersat we old stand or ems Moore, SB ana S4 Market Street, near Broad, Nashville, Tenn. All kinds of work for Flour Mills 8team Boats, Saw Mills Tobacco Factories, Banks, Jails, executed promptly, and at thelowest cash prices. Jan.

25 ly NOBLE ELLIB. jfc- EM O. JD TWi J- A. has removed to NO. 48 COL- LF.GE (the house lately occupied by J.

Baowax,) where he keeps constantly on band -a large assortment of Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Shoes, too numerous to men on. Also Traveling Trunks, and Carpet Bags, for sale low for cash. lyFINE SHOP-MADE GENTLEMEN'S BOOTS AND SHOESal on hand and made up to order. J. A.

MURKIN. rOHTES W. 4- K. FREE MAN, A B12 receiving their Spring Stock of XX PIAHUS, and would call especial at-tendon to oir GRAND SQUAltE, manu factured 1 Newton Bradburv. which for oiiness, Purity and evenness of Tone, combined with L'ower and Strength cannot be excelled.

Call and see if iti8ntso. dp. W. 4 R. FREEMAN.

More New Pianos. TXTE have received by recent arrivals, nine YV more of those unrivalled PIANOS madebVJ. B. Dunham and Adam Stodaut of Various styles and sizes, which will be sold very low xorcasn, or gooa notes drawing imeresi, ana warrameu give satisfaction in every respect, apl 29 W. A T.

H. GREENFIELD ft CO. 70 CONTRACTORS A2W LEALEF.S llf I Have now in JUagazine an ia -receipt from Manufacturers, supplies of th bzsi brands of Rifle and Blasting POWDER. I am prepared mrnish contractors with any amount-of Blasting PowUer and Safety Fuse. Orders promptly filled.

T. McCALL, Agt. Office at Whiteman's Paper Store, North east. Corns; Pubiic Square. Feb.

19. IALL PAPEU. O1 hand, a larce and beautiful assortment or those premium Wall Papers, for Parlors, Halls, Dining Rooms, Ac. 1 Also, a large lot of Unglazed Pa- pers, new Paterns, very cheap for cash. -Paper Hangings done in the best manner.

L. M. GORBEY, No. 20, College next door to Sewanee House. Oct.

51 T. BCKGB. Q. C. ALL EH.

BURGE ALLEN. SUCCESS0B3 TO T. C. BDBCE tt CO. Wholesale Grocers.

Forwarding and Commission ilUEUCEAISTS. And Dealers in Brandic, Citars, Tobacco, etc. CORNER OF COLLEGE AND SPRING STf.EKiS, Nash villi Tenn. TTT arc just in receipt of the following Groceries, 200 Ixlids prime to choice Sugar; 150 barrels reboileu Slolasses; 100 3 do do 200 Loaf, Crushed, and Powdered Sugar; 300 bags Rio CoOce; 4 25 bags Old Gov. Java PofTee; f0 Imgs Laguyra do 75 barrels Muckerei, Nos.

2 and 50 Barrels dodo do 75 boxes Scotch 3 Tierces Fig3; 100 boxes Raisins, assorted; 160 Painted Buckets; 25 Nests Tubs; 150 boxes Tobacco, assorted brands; 200,000 assorted brands of Cigars; 500 kegs of Nails; -800 Demijohns; 500 gro. -Matches; 25 bags Almonds; 25; bags Pepper; 20 bags Spice; 8 casks Dutch 5 Ceroons best Indigo; 25 boxes fine Starch; 56 do bar Soap; 100 do Star Candles; -50 do Tallow Candles; 100 do Cheese assorted kinds; LIQUORS. 500 barrels Pike nnd Willshire Whisky; 50 barrels Robertson couuty do 100 barrels Rye, Bourbon nnd SmithKeserve Whiskv. "With a general Stock of randies, Wines, Gin, to- getner wun a supply oi iongwonirs native. Catawba Brandy and Sparkling Wine BURGE ft ALLEN.

PINK B-RANTiTES. HVE half Pipes. superior Old French Brandy of the vintage oi iaii aij.jEH. LONGWOEOTS Native Catawba-Grape Brandies and Sparkling-Wine; Dry do For sale by BDRGE ft ALLEN. CLOVER SEED.

Large lot of Fresh Clover Saed just received and for sale, by irn.rl2'56. BURGE ft ALLEN TENNESSEE: IChartered the Genernl'AasemDlyof thefitate. THE above iUtuaonlBperinanenuyiocatea, anu is not surpassed by any similar establishment jnthe' States of facilities; fcr iraparUhg a thorough' practical knowledge of. the duties of Uie Boo'k-lteej'iiiF This Department is under the immediate supervision of tiie President of the College, wim a practical Book keeper, having iiad many years experience -some of the largest counting houses in the Onion. This Branch Is under the superintendenc of JOHN A.

UcEwraEVHIember of the Nashville Bar, who is too widely known as a lawyer and orator, to require any further notice at our. The Coarse of Instruction embraces beta Reading-and, Lectures will be delivered at night, so as-not to interfere with his professional "engagenfents. Mercantile Cnlculalions bjWM. FexutBLfA. -Onderthis head is embraced every species of calculations aiecssary for a book-keeper, pr bttsi-' ness man to understand, yut Interest, Discount, Losa and Gain, Equations, Exchange, it'Vv Xerms of Tnitioii.

Book-Keeping, by DioiuUe and. Single Entry, as applied to every business, both prnnperous and ridv'eraej'JOomroeTcIiil Calculations and Commercial Law Lectures, including theuseuof books. t-40 penmanshipror twenty lessons. 5 For lessons without limit The above fees are payable, Invariably, in advance. Fhe importance-of this rnle must appear obvious as students enter for.

an' unlimited period, with the 'privilege of. reviewing at.any time tluringlife, withoht extra This School is in perpetual session; having no' vacation stadenta -may -enter. at: any. time their, -atudie'a without interruption. -Merchants and business men will be suppled wtth compt tent book-keepers by applying at this" Good board and lodeinsr can be obtained for $8 per weefc Nb -studpnt wiil be taken for less than a full course, in natever branches he pursues.

T-- Time required for a full course from aix to ten weeks. t3r Adams lSoiilierp CorawiercUl Collegt, NihvllU, Vbqs'V TapVx9, ran aAm silteb iheidai For the best Reaper Mower at Ilia Paris World's Mbnnfi ctui ike MacUne PrjjrchaiMid Prfncelapoleon: I HAVE on hand and for sale the above Haeblnes. They received the premium at the 'SUM Fafrsln New York, New Jersey, Vermont, New Hssspdiire," Connecticut, Kentucky, and at Qaliatln and Nashville In this State; and have given universal satisfaction throughout Middle where some fifty of them have been u-ied in the last two years. Price $150 delivered In Kashville. Jan.

1V-U. B.P.CHEATHAM: Rj Ri-. Ill POKTANT. REVELATIONS. A OBST PHVSIC1L LITT, rossrssnra thk most imobtakt txrvoxxcm over tbx HXALTHjOr MB BODY HAS BTrKS' EKTlBKLT'OVJtB-.


n. VS KSEPDlb tbe bodv nEAixirv Jjn nfia ratal paw. EQCAiJZE.THa,CIItCCITI0!IlKGUITETnESY8TElI.-3 CHAPTER I. PircuteLtmi-Vie true mwffexi of nrerteni. ing tlte estaUiihment of disease regulation the.onlu meant of puryying me oiooa anarcxwring uieinac zo hniltJiauick aniacv ofRadwav's Ready Relief and Radvtiy's Regulator, In curing the patient cf coughs congestions, rneumausm, penumonia, "fever and aaue.

villous, remittal and in- termitleni, scarlet, typhus, chagrti and all contagious aifU The nosltlve virtues of tiESovATOfa In restoring the Consumptive to Health, and 'curing Bron- cuetts, Asuma, tsaa ueaaacnes, ana vyspepsia. HOW DISEASED ACTIOS BKC0ME8 X8TABLXSRKD A50 THE BLOOD 1MPDEE. A great error has long prevailed in' the. minds of medi-ral men, "That Impurity of the blood Is the cause ol Diseased action." This Is a serious mistake. It Is a disturbance of the circulation, and the establishment of diseased action, that causes impurity of the blood." the B.

R. theory holdf the truth of tbe above maxims, for If a person be in a state of perfect health each artery anS vein must carry to and from the heart Its allotted proportion of blood, and when any set of vessels refuse (be he cawe-what it may,) to carry their proportion, the cur-ent of blood becomes dammed up in other words a congestion takes place, giving pain to a greater or less extent. Here, then la the beginning of diseased action, which, ir not relieved, will soon run into Inflammation, andLthe dis ease become established. Diseased action being once established, the blood beomes. Impure, and the regularity of action on the part of tbe liver, skin, bowels, Ac, is sure to be interrupted, and the general system, by sympathising witntneiocai complaint, Decomes lnvoiveainineuuncmry.

'That this Is the true state of the case let any one call fa mind his symptoms on catching cold. The local difficUty may be a sore throat, which is a congestion of tbt blood, amounting (sometime?) to an inflamation abont'the throat, owing to a previous deranged state of the circulation, and he. will remember that his bowels become costive, his liver deranged, or his skin dry and feverish, his head stopped up. pains and aches in his bones, joints, down the back, head aches, discharge of water from tbe eyes and nose, witb many other unpleasant and painful symptoms. he used Radway's Ready Relief when the congestion was pet ting in, as an application to the throat, and swallowed a dose or the regulators, ne wouiu nave orouen the congestion, and restored the regularity on the part of the liver skin, bowels, Ac, which had been broken iu upon by the euects of the sore throat.

Regularity Delug again estab lishes me linoure oiooa is soon purinea, ana the circuiu. tion again equalized, and the health restored. RADWAY'S REGULATORS Possess this great power of EOUAUZISO THE CTBCULATION, And regulating all the organs of the body to a natural and healty action. RADWAY'S REGULATORS possess properties that all other Pills are deficient In, and are the only Pills in use that can be taken for any length of time without weaken ine tbe system. They 'always leave the system in a healthy condition the LiVer, Bowels, Heart, Pancreas, Kidneys, and Skin regular, and ready to dlscnnrge tneir several luncuons without recourse to unnatural means.

Every doBe of Radway's Regulators that are taken will infuse new life, fresh strength, and sound health to the weak and feeble body. AS A FAMILY one or two of RADWAY'S REGULATORS will answer a better purpose than castor common pills, blue pills, Lee's or any Bilious pills, or any other cathartic, bilious drastic, purgatives, salts, or sennav The Regulators will quickly open the bowels, force a natural pasasge, and will leave the whole system in a healthy state. PA.LSY RnEOMATISM. HowVie R.R.R. Remedies lUed Mrs.

SaraJi A. Hovgh fiom. a Crippled and He'pUss Condition, Jo Sound Health, after the skill of four of the most learned Physicians in Jt'ew York had failed to relieve her Drs. Parker, Reese, Wardle, and JIaclelan. READ HER LETTER.

January 8,1350. Messrs. Radway A Co. I tried your Ready Relief, and had my joints rubbed with it, and I never felt- pain after the first ten minutes I was rubbed with it up to the present I do not know' what to compare it tobuta charm; for it is a mystery, to I was a cripple for two years, and had not the proper nse of my limbs for three years, lwas worn down to a skeleton. I then commenced the use of your Ready Relief.

Resolvent, and Regulators. The pain left' me in ten minutes, and 1 began to gain strength very fast, and could walk with ease in a few weeks, llefore I heard or your ilemedits I was taken to Dr. Parker, Dr. Reese, Dr. Wardle, Dr.

Muclelan, and many other physicians in this city, I cannot now remember. I was completely pulled to pieces ly them. My constitution was broken up with medicines that did me no good. I could not put it foot to the ground nor pick up a pin. 1 was lifted and carried and down stair? like an infant; and now thank God! by the use of your Remedies, lain as strong as ever.

1 had the cemmon rheumatism inflammatory and chronic arid the palsy. You can publish this, ifyoulikc. SARAH A. HOUGH, 244 86th street, between the 7th and Sth avenues, N. Y.

December 29th, 1855. I DecemberSUt, 1655 CRIPPLED WITH INKIRMI- FREE FROM PAIN AND TIES. WALKED WITH EASE. JEPIU GARfllNlER. A severe fall Injury of the Knee PanExeruciatina Ready Relief.

DaasiDEK, Wk.ii:i.t Cc, Dec. 31st. 1855 J. JEPTHA GARDIS1EK of the above place do publish that for manyyears Ihaveabeen aOlicti-d aith Rheumatism, and on the evening of December 20th, 1855, while walking in my yard, I fell with great violence on the ice brui'ing the knee pan very badly, i iurther certify that on the above day, Mr, John J. Benedict, a traveling agent or Radway arrived at this place, and hearingofmy heavy fall and the terrible complaint that afflicted me recommended me to apply Radway's Ready Relief, which I did, AND I.N A VERY SHOUT TIME the pain ceased the swelling abated, and lam noa able to walk with, ut the use ofm eane.

tree from pain. I have tried several other remedies but found no relief. In cases of extreme pain Radway's Ready ReliTis far preferable to aU other Remedies; if any one doubts the truth or ik.3 certificate, let them call on me at my residence, or write to me at Dresden, Tenn. and I will give them fuU'lnformation. JEPTHA GARDLNIER.

For years Mr. Gardinier had rutTered the torturing pains of Rheumatism, he was unable to walk without fhe helptif a stick. On the 29th of December he first tried the H.Tt. Relief on the 81st he could walk without any aid and free from pain. Let all whu are crippled or bed-ridden, think of this, FEVER AND AGUE.

Radway's Ready Relief and Radway Regulators, are POSITIVE Curatives for Ague and Fever. Let those afflict-ed take from 2 to 5 of Radway's- Regulators every night and a tea spoonful of Ready Relief, In water, on rising in the morning, and durinj: the day these will soon free your system from the poison of Ague. HOW THE R. R. REMEDIES RESTORE CONSUMPTIVES TO HEALTH STOPS THE RAVAGES OP DECAY.

HEALS CLCER8 IN THEiUNGS AND THROAT. CDIiES ASTHMA, BRONCHETIS. CHKONIO onrrnns un ALL DISEASES AND COMPLAINTS OF THS THROAT LUNGS AND CHEST. Persons who hs ve been troubled with chronic sore throats tubercles In the lungs, bronchetis, or glandular affections' are informed that, the: R. R.

B. Remedies will cure them of these terrible complaints on. the same principle." let the Ready, Relief be applied externally on the ct est and around the throat this will effect an Important' aad wonderfully beneficial result. It will get up a powerful counter-Irritating force, and withdraw from the glands of tho throat all congested Wood that may interfere with the respiratory organs. Persons troubled with asthma, hard and difficult breathing, sharp pains when taking a long breath; will find an immediate rellcf after an application or Radway's Ready Relief.

In cases where the lungs are diseased, we give Radway's Resolvent. The action" of this medicine resolves away the diseased deposit it heals all ulcers and removes tubercles. We have known persons who had no idea of ever rising out of a sick-bed, to be restored to sound not ajiartlcle of consumptive material left In their hasten decay. -Radway's Regulators in these cases keep the system regular, and equalize the circulation of the blood. THE ItOYAL TOUCH.

R. R-- BESbLvaSTCUBED. TKE ElSa'S EVIL, AETEfi A COSGaESSOF CBOWHSD H0XABCHS FAILED To BESTOBE THE SUPFUCAilT To HEALTH. THE, FIRST SIGN! The presence of. Pimples', Blotches, Pustules, Tetters, Raslti Little Sores," Painful' Itchings, Hot Flushes ic, are sure indications of ol foreign and impure huinora in the system, and if allowed to mingle with the hlood and remain in the system corrupting the blood and filling the sewers or body with impuritita Sores and Ulcer will breakout and cover the -body with their repulsive presence.

The Skin under these poisonous influences becomes an eruptive volcano, exhibiting to th'eeyethe-disgustinglava of disease, In the form or. Salt, Rheum, Cancers, -Ulcers Fever Sores, Putrid Mesh, King's Evil, and the most fbiobt- VUL ERUPTIONS OF THE 8E1S. Radway's Renovating Resolvent has cured the most terrible of Skin Diseases and Humors; it will never fail in the worst 'cases. LARCE HOLES IN THE NECK. An Emigrant called upon ua.

a few. since. who had been troubled with the disease called "King's Evil He had two very large holes lobisneck and his head, body and legs were covered with the most disgusting and sickening sores. Wc immedla.i::: placed under theinlluence ol the Resolvent. In six weeks from the time he called upon us, every sore was healed, not even a sore was left upon his body to remind him 'of the "King's This man? like thousands of other deluded persons, had laid himself prostrated before two Emperors, four Kings and one Queen, to be touched by the lingers oi Royalty, be-lieving that the hands of their "most sacred majesties would drive away the evil." The Renovating Resolvent had more power restoring this poor deluded victim of a cruel disease, to a sound couditlen of body, thin all the kings and mouarchs on the.

earth. BOILS CURED BY RESOLVENT. LlA' ISDIAKA'Dec. 12, 1S55. Chemists, N.Y.

Seiidme'twodoeen of It R. -Resolvent been sorely afflicted with have' been tormented with these dip. agreeable excrescences for more than two years; tried all kinds of medicines without effect. I commenced the Re-, solvent. One bottle of It cured me entirely.

Ihaveslnce recommended it to others. R. O. WRIGHT. mnwAr Ifift Fulton ftrrH.

Vail: "'Sold byDrsggiits, Mtaehants and Storekeepers every. ir.Fs.Tlii, BEACHES, trom. East Ttsntts for eaieoy ii. v. iiiutLCT.

cAlD.J!l.?f'. "dMltea-eTsrlla Ametfcan TDKt-smd Sertaan Cologne Water; fancy Boapse HairaAdJooth Brushes), In erarj. stylo-, Dll-loc'amiid Enblna'Bacbetsj Aromatic Chryslals; Chine, Metal and Olaas Poll Boxes, MTeraioewaqriea; BtteuuomDS, large stoctr. Also hayoon hand IndJgo, -Madder, White Lead, Ac. June 8.

SIUNO lame stock selrcted hv Oiie of ffie Bnav cbnalstiiur 'of: Pennine impn ick Hooks, nlain and-on Aberdem. Oravetaleea and Common Limerick HooVs; a splendid assortment of Lines; cable laid Silk and fea Grass: un and Stated 8UkT Minnow Seines. 13 ftr 4ci Kiaata 'of? err -5a. riety; Reels, Jointed Bods, Clearing-Bings, Hy Books, ac. laiinon can supply inose wno can appreciate nna Taokle, with almost everything they may need the sac cessful prosecution of tll dseftil' calling.

nituwr Junes 48; College Street. Tf ecclics. 1300 hand cud for JLi saleby JO. G. BROWN, "june 8.

No. 48 College street. Pure iriononEraliela Wllisiy. 5 barrels ol the above, jnst received, of prime quality. Sold to us for six years old; JO.

G. BROWN, june 8. 48 College street. CI tone Ware. 2,500 pieces Stone Ware, consisting of Jars, Churns, Jugs, Milk Fans, Batter Crocks, Ac, ol every she, Just received.

JO. G. BROWN, june 8. No. 48 College Btreet.

Porter and Scotch Ale. Constantly.on hand, Barclay, Perkins A celebrated London Porter andJIein'a Scotch Ale. JO. G. BROWN, june 8.

No. 48 College street. Pearl Starch. 25 boxes of a very superior article of Starch, just received by JO. G.

BROWN, jane 8. No. 43 College street. MyVedicine Chests. Just opened a fine lot of Med- i.TJL' Icine Chests, suitable for PandUes' or Plantations.

Also, dosen Physician's saddle Bags, assorted style. JnneS. JO. G. BROWN.

Olive Oil. 25 boxes Olive Oil, just arrived. Also, 8 doien of a brand of Tuscany Oil, which la superior to the ordinary Olive Oil, sold for table use. jane 8. JO.

G. BROWN. For Jellies. 100 lbs. Isinglass, Sheet and Also, 1 grass Sparkling Gelatine; Dnpuy's Extract of vamua, c.

ju. tJKUt, june 8. No. 48 College street old Foil. Abbey A Son's Gold Foil constanly on jt nana.

ju. nuuwn, june 8. No. 43 College street. flonjrress Constantly receiving, direct jrom Saratoga, Also, empire rater.

jnnc 8. JO. G. BROWN, 48 College street ard Oil. 10 barrets No.

1 Lard Oil on hand by JLi JO. G. BROWN, june 8. No. 48 College street.

Sperm and Wax Candles. 10 boxes Sperm and Wax Candles, this day received by JO. G. BROWN, june S. No.

43 College street. Gr. W. HENDEESHOTT, "WHOLESALE RETAIL BRtTGrGrlST. IS receiving a General Assortmentof PUKE and GENUINE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Warranted as pure as any sold In this city or any other.

In fact it is only necessary to say none but the best medi cines are cHered. Pure Chemicals, various brands, Fresh Lime Juice, Cod Liver Oil, Congress Water, iSweedish Leeches; Breast Pumps, anew and convenient article, Syringes some new kinds, Fancy Articles, some of the most beautiful kinds, 100 oz. Pure Sulph. Quinine, bought for cash and will be sold very low. Oat Meal, Teas, various kinds, also a lot of Canton Teas so much admired in this market.

Very fine assorted stock of Perfumery. Wine3; Brandies, Gin, for Medical uses. For sale by G. W. IlENDEKSIIOTf, Cor.

Cedar St. Square. April 11. Nashville, Tenn. SPLENDID SODA WATER ALWAYS ON HAND, At Corner Cellar Street Square, BY 6.

W. HENDEESHOTT CLOVEE SEED. ItULS. Clover Seed just received and for sale re- dueed prices to close. April ca MORRIS 4 6TRATT0N.

HUGHES, AiTBROTYPE, PHOTOGRAPHIC DA0UERREAA ARTISTS. 2G. Union Street, AMBROTVPE3, 1'hotographs, plain orcolored in oil, and warranted as durable as any other style of painting. Daguerreotypes, Stereoscopic, Crayon, or Vignette and ev-ery other style of picture taken at this establishment in the highest style of the art, and warranted to please or no sale. AMBROTYPES.

Although these beautiful pictures were but recently introduced by the subscribers in this city, they have become so popular that we have at a great expense secured the services of a celebrated Artist from New York to attend to this branch of the business exclusively. Bring along the Juveniles! Children can by this process have their Likeness taken in two or three seconds of time, and warranted perfect or no charge will be Bring them along and have them taken before trying elsewhere. Jan. 30.. A.

H. ROSCOE, (5oesor to Tt. F. WHOLESALE DRIGGIST No. 17, corner of Broad and Market street11 NASHVILLE, TENN.

Tbc Cbeapest Soap in tbe World purposes can be made by purchasing one Can of Babbit's Potash. For seventy cents you can get enough to make 75 pounds of Soft or 50 lbs. of hard. For sale by A. H.

ROSCOE, my 12 corner of -Broad and Market streets. Important to -Housekeepers. B. T. Babbit's celebrated No.

1 Soap Povder, washing without labor, and warranted to take stains out of Table Linen an Nap. kins. For sale by A. H. ROSCIJE, my 12 cor, of Broad and Market Nash fiile.

Brandies, Wines, and Holland Gin. A large supply just received and for sale by my 6 A. H. ROSCOE, Broadway. rust Received.

250 gross No. 1 Hatches, in wood boxes, A. II. ROSCOE, Ci pars. Just received, 40,000 Cigars, favorite brands, at a small advance on cost, by A.

H. ROSCOE, my 7 Broadway. rcam Tartar. 800 pounds Cream Tartar, jnst received and for sale djt A. H.

ROSCOE, my.6 Broadway. jnirinistone. 1000 pounds Crude and Roll B'rim-stoae, just received and for sale by my.G. A. H.

ROSCOE, Broadway -11dTe's. 600 pounds Cloves, just received and for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, Broadway. Herds Crass.

800 bushels Herds Grass Seed, just received and for sale by: A. H. ROSCOE, my 6. Broadway. Gr lile.

10 barrels Glue, assorted numbers, just receiv ed and for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, Broadway. Emery. 500 pounds Emery, assorted numbers, just received and for sale by A.

H. ROSCOE, myO. Barry's Tricopncruus. 86 doie'n Barry's Tri-copherous, ust received and for sale by myS A. H.

ROSCOE; Broadway. rr yon's Katnarion. SC dosen Lyon's Katharion, MJt just received and for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, my 6 Broadway.

Soda. pounds Lee's New Castle Sup. Carb.Soda, just received and for sale by A. H. ROSCOE, my 0." Broadway.

Percussion Caps. received and for sale by A. 'H. ROSCOE, Broadway. S' CD.iftdBTte'Snappi-- LT0S8 Schiedam ShappsJ ust received and for sale bv 11..

ROSCOE. my. 6 'Broadway." CJaratosta Water. 3G doien Saratoga Water, just K7 receivea ana lor sale Dy a. ii.

may 6. No.17 Broadway, Hitters. 18 dozen Oxygenated Bit- ters me mosc enectual reraeuy now Known for Dyspepsia, just received and for sale by: A. H. ROSCOE, m'ay No.

17 Broadway. TTTOOSe's fi-'lllliil lTIedir.illa Stil) dozen TJr. Vki Rose's Celebrated Family ilediciues, Jnst received and lortaie oy a. Broadway. A Vbdomilial Snpportcrs.

T2 Seymonr's Gal-'A' vantc abdominal Supporters, which will be sold unusu. ally low. Just received and for. sale by mayo. a.

no. tiroaaway. SHEEX IHOJf 100 bundles Sheet Iron, just. n. celved and for (ale bj :D.BrWCKEY -SeptSJ RATa QmStOHT -OfrJlODUCE' TO Ciuirlelfton Savannah, b4'W TAEsfrSEOT OS AXB AITEB TBE FIRST DAY OP JIIUE HJ3XT.

If a recent meeting of the Presidents nd Superintend-XX dents of the various Ronds connectlnr Nashville. with Onarieston. ana Savannah, the following rates of freight wereadopted: UBS! CIA88. -Feathers, Wool, Flour in Sacks and. Books, per ido'iil 40 SECOHD CLAS8.

Beeswax, Qinsenr.PinEKoot, fjDtton, Bopesid Bag- ginB, ilemp, Star Candlts, Soap, Lard and Linseed OU and Window Glass per r. 00 THXED CLASS. Leaf Tobacco "80 Whisky, per barrel $3 DO Beefaiid barrel. Flo or, per bbl 1-4J3 lotsof aO.dozenan'd'-upwa'rds,'..';' TO.prevent overcharges the Agentaf G'-Rell- road is authorized to sign Receipts for the. transportation of the articles above at the rates as specified, until nirther notice.

H. 'ANDERSON, May IB. Superintendent. KATES OF FJKEK3JIT, FROM CHARLESTON; AND 8 A VANNA3 TO To take effect on and after )t of June'i lgSC. tost Piano Fortes, Books and 8UUoneriv Bofiis, Snoes ian'tl Hats, Liquors OOs, c.

In Camphine. and Snlrtts In Glass and Glassware, Cigars in cases, Clocks, Confectionaries, Cotton Cards, Cutlery, in cases, casks and boxes Dry Goods Id, boxes and bales, -Drugs, Fruits, Fruit Trees and Shrubbery, Furs', Garden Seeds, Looking Glasses, and Looking Glaas Plates, -(at owners' risk), Oysters In cans and jara, Saddlery, Tin from 1st December to 1st June, and. from. 1st Jane, to 1st. December tl 85.

SECOND CLASS. Hardware, (except such as is specified In 1st and 8d Coflee Mills, "dTachinery Foreign Liquors, in barrels and pipes, Tobacoo, in boxes, Leather Jn rolls and boxes. Oils in barrels and casks', Croekery aa4 Qoeensware, In crates and casks. Rice, Whiting, Plaster, Sheet Brass and Copper per 100'lbs tl On. THIRD Axes, Shovels, Spades, Sad Irons, Zinc and Tin, la pigs, ire.

i jui'iuK, tkcb, whiui viuuiuiiuu nun, ogaau. la and Cottan Castings, slul gear-- ing, itauroao noeeis anq unatra fipuctjsj auwtui uuu per juu ow. SPECIAL RATES, Furniture and Carriages boxed, and light -articles not enumerate, also Carboys of Acids or other Chemicikls, will be charged by actual weight bat at double 1st class rates' or per 100 $2 SO. The ratesare of the same, from Onarieston and Savan-' nah to Stevenson, and all Stations tbls side, as to Kash-ville. Ove'rcnaia'wherVthay evidently existwflibe corrected bytheKashvllle and.

Chattanooga-Railroad, and paid by the Treasurerapon proper certificate from the Agent The Roads will -riot damages oriniury to cootents or boxs or packages when no "externalTappear ance of damage exists. No claim for damages will be considered unless accompanied with a receipt showing the goods goad order when delivered to the Roads -andSavannah. In case ol short goods the Roadsrequire 80 days foivaa -examination 'of the line1 If not' found by the expiration of that time the Road delivering will 'pay bnt no claim shall be considered unless receipts are exhibited as evidence of NogoodswHl be delivered unto all chsrges.are.pald.and a receipt givtn by the consignees or their Agents 01 the N. A C. R-R are under heavy" bonds to' tho -company, and all freight bills are due to the.

Agents individually, therefore freight bills mm tbe paid in full and reclamation, for over, charges, damages, Ac.Tmqat be the Treasurer upon certificate of the Agent and authority Of the -H. AKDKRSON, Superintendent, May IS: 17. A TICKRTS to the following Points may be' bad at the DEPOT, at the following rates, via: -J To AVANjMAH, Ga. .......120 00 CHARLESTON, S. IT 00 AUGUSTA, macon; 00 "ATLANTA, laM WILMISGTON.N.C, 21 60 H.

I. ANDERSON7 April 1,1856. I HATE just received from A. H. Pale celebrated Manufactory, several I new and splendid Rosewood, single- end I double round corner Pianos" one of thein I a semi-grand action Instrument, and one astylemuch sought'for throughout the 'Union, -Both of these instruments are seven octaves j'very superior tone, eud elaborately and.

Tho public are respect'nllv Invited to inspect thein. Those de siring a superb find assortment. Pianos from other manufactories also on hand, and more expected soon from Messrs. also from Gilbert Co. J.

A. McOLORE, Aprils lm No.33, Union SL NOTICE THE Firm of Groomes, Nance A' In the Furniture Business is dissolved by mutual' consent. Afl persons indebted by note or otheririse will please make payment to 3Iessrs. R. our successors by the 1st.

June next or'the claims will be placed in the hands of ofneers for collection as tbe business must be H. GROOMES, WM. L. NANCE, JfayS 1m. pod F.

O. HURT. Nashville' ana Kcw Orleans f*ckct. THE New Steamer HUMBOLDT, 1J00 tons --m burlhenj Capf. Wn.

Sraoso-Iohn D. Urn Steamer is now finished at Clnclnfttti and ready to take, as a regular packet, in the trade. The Humboldt is entirely a new boat of the first class and built expressly for: Nashville "and Kew 'Orleans Her light draug it (drawingbnly 26 Inches water,) ill enable her to come with a load when others- can only come light. We solicit for her a share of public patronage. JOHNSTON, HORNE A 1- JOHNSTON, WEAVER A Agents. racket (imce. HASHvTLLE Asm itnarptm United States 1- Packet tlise. j. a.

joBsantPsox. For 'tleniplAis, "Vew Orlroua, SU Loaia uasia a.uuisvii(;. TBI- WSEIt'L Y. est' I The spicnoidnew.Passengcr steamer City Weaves, Master, leaves Nashville every Monday, at 12 o'clock, M. J.

tt. Uline, J. v. um, Master, leaves Nashville every Wt dnesday, atb'clock, M. John Simpson, W.

T. Yeatmai, Master, leaves Nashville every ritf ay, at-12 o'clock, M. Connecting at Paducah with the daily'Lonlsville and St. Lonis United States Malt Boats, and at Memphis with ths splendid New Orleans sti amers BULLETIN, H. E.

W. HILL, GEO. COLLIER and The accommodations of. this line cannot be surpassed, and passengers will find it by far the speediest means of travel either North or For freight or passage, apply to A. L.

DAVIS, Agent, Nov. 11- United States Mall Packet Office. CAPT. B. DUFFIELD will remain in New Orleans during the present season, as Agent for the Nashville, Memphis and-New Orleans Steamers; also for the' steamers America and Humboldt.

All business entrusted to his care, for the above boats will be promptly attended to Fres of Charge. A. L. DAVIS. Dec.

2. Carter's Spanish Mixture. THE GREAT PURIFIER OF 7HB BLOOD THE BEST ALTEBATIVE KKOWNU Not a Particle of Mercury in it. ANInfalUble Remedy for Scrofula, King's vil. Rheti; matism.

Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions' Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Bolls, Ague' and Ferelsi Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Head, Kn. largement and Pain of the Bones and Join Salt Rheum, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphylitic Disorders, and; all Diseases arising-from an injudicious Use of Life, or the Impurity of the great alterative medicine and Purifier of Blood used by thousands of grateful' patients from -parts of the United States, who testily daily to the remark, able cures performed" by the "greatest" brail medicines, "CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE." "Neuralgia, Rheumatism; Scrofula, Eruptions of the Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers. Ulcers, Old'Sores, Affections of the Diseases ot the Throat, Female Pains aod'jUbing of the Bones andJotnts, are speedily put to tilhrby using this inestimable remedy. -v For all diseases of the Blood, nothlnghas yet been found to compare with it: It cleanses the system of all Imparl ties, acts gently and efficiently on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens the fives tone to the Stomach, makes the skin "aesr.and andisfbres' the" Constitution; enfeebled, by-disease or broken dowtk' by the excesses of youth, to its pristinervigor and strength. For the Diseases or Fan la peculiarly, applicable, and wherever it has become knosals regularl Jrprescribed; with the happiest effects.

invigbratcs Ahe weak and de. bilitated, el'aftlcity to "the worn-out Srnme, clears tliekiu. and leaves the patient fresh "and 'healthy; a single bottie of this inestimable remedy Ir worth all the sO'Called Sarsaparillas in existence. The large homber of certificates which we hiive received from persons from-nit parts Of -the United States is ths best evidence that tliere is no Humbug ab'uul Thepre.s, hotel keepers, magistrates, physicians, -and -pubUc men, well knownto the to the wonderful effects of this. GREAT.

BLOOD PCRIFIER. Call on tlie Aokst aad-get. an Almanac, and -read the details of astonishing cures performed, OAK rER'S SPANISH elue hud signally The Hauts an adyertisa-mentwil' not admit their WM- S. BEERS C0-, rroOristprs-No. not, YoaE, To whom a)l nrdrs must For sale by Druggists ami Merchants in all parts of he United States the by H.

TiVRCOYEtL and April S-wAdly "7. OA BARBELS la ua fe tsfle Aprlll." Xvfc'TtSZlifi lUUU. JIAIunUEU UHUANPIiC MUSLXKS. do French, do do 'Jaconet' An Clieap MiiElinB la great variety from 12)tf cenla per yard EMBROIDEKIES AND LACES- We have an unusual large assortment of Embroideries and ftiiacei). -Ine Embroidered Muslin Bodies.

high neck. do do" do do do Capes, do do do: Skirts, do do H'dkfs. This lot is jus half price. Rich Jaconet Collars and Sleeves, do do Swiss do do do do do Linen Cambric: do dor do Breakfast Collars and Sleeves; Embroidered Swiss Collars, great job; do jaconet ao Ladies' retiring Robes; do Envelopes, trimM. CH1LDRENS' EMBROIDERED BODIES; do ao nooes; do White and Fahcy dr-sHes: Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and Xnsertings; ttainsook ana muu ao ao "greaijob" Linen Cambric, do do do Jaconet and Swiss Flouncing; Nainsook ann uuii, ao Infant' embroidered and Lace trim'd Caps.

LACE Very rich and fine Point Lace Setts; do do do -Val. do do do do do lloniton, uo do do do Mualin Lace trimM; -do do do Honiton Capes; do do do Point Lace; do do do Yal, do do do do do do do Iove knot Capes; do do dp Muslin Lace trim'd do do do Yal. Lace Berthes Sleeves to match, Splendid. VaL Lace Collars; do Honiton, do do Real Point Lace, do "Job" do Maltese, do do do Mualin Lace trim'd do Val. Lace Edging and Insertions; Piatt do do do English thr'd, do do Guipure Lace for Dress Trimmings SPBIKG MANTLES.

Embroidered Muslin Mantles; do. do Scarfa; Rich hand wrought Lace Mantles; do Chantiila do do do Einb. White Silk, do do do Black do do do do col'd do do Plain Silk and Light Fabric Mantles, all kinds. LINENS. LINENS.

LINENS- We have now on hand several celebrated brands Irish Linen of very superior quality, which we are determined to set. by the piece or half piece, at prices greatly under the usual rates. Also, 8-4, 4 Linen Sheetings, all qualities; Pillow Linen, all widths;" Rich Table Damask, by the yard; do Daniaak Table Cloths, all sizes; do do-JJapkins; all kind; Turkey Red Table Covers; Napkins to match; Bird-Eye Diaper, all qualities. SUNDRIES. White Brilliante, all qualities Col'd do do, 4-1 Erench Chints, English and American Prints in endless variety.

Percale, French Muslin, very desirable, Bleached and Brown Domestics, MENS AND BOYS LINEN GOODS, Cassimeres and Tweeds, Marseilles Vesting, Drap D'Te Summer Cloths and Fine French Cloths of all kinds. CARPETS. In our assortmentof Carpets will be found everythlngde-sirable. We intend to kep our Stock up during the entire Beason, receiving everything new that coines out, direct from Manufacturers hailds, and intend to sell them at such prices as will make them go off lively. HANDSOME VELVET CARPETS; do Real Brussels, do -do do do Extra Three Ply English Carpets; American, "do 100 Ply Carpets all patterns and prices.

Also, a large lot of cheap Carpets. Fine Mosaic RugB; Velvet Rngs; Tuffed Rugs; Parlor and Door Matts, all kinds. CURTAINS. RICH CRIMSON AND BROWN-DAMASK, do Green and Gold do do Crimson and do. do do Blue do do do with a variety of other colors.

Also a large assortment'of German Damask Coruice and Trimmings to match. Rich Applique Lace Curtains; do Tomboral do- do do Emb. Muslin, do Also, Lace and Mualin Curtain Goods, by the yard. March 12. THOMPSON CO.

Land Plaster. BBLS. Best Fertilizing Plaister. Received by OU T. WELLS, March 15.

Market street, artbville. 170-BBLS. Plaister Paris, Sp. Whiting, and Hydraulic ID Cement, by T.WELLS. 495 Gallons.

Received by March 15. T.WELLS. WHITE LEAD; Zinc Paint, Cromegreen, Patent dryer, all other coloreyand MIXED PAINTS assorted. By T. WELLS.

QTK BOXES WINDOW GLASS, Glassware, Bottles, Ol Vials, Ac. For sale by T. 1 A GALLONS beBt Stone Ware, assorted. By tUuU. March T.WELLS.

C(C Jenny Lind, Caae-YJtJJJ doras, Templett, Cubanna, and Sultana 7 duI-iw. npi.ia. FINE Pen and. Pocket Knives, Fort Monies, Sprgical. Dental, Mathematical, Obstetrical, Surveying For sale cheap by March T.WELLS.

QV SOZ. Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Received by 'Maichlo. T. WELLS.

PEItFtnUERY; 50 dot. Colognes and other fine Toilette" Waters, assorted. -COSMETI OS A fine assortment. HAIR TONICS, Hair Dyes, Gloss Powder, puffs and boxes assorted' CURLING FLUIDS, Pomatums; OHjS, Philocomes, Marrows', Ac. TOILEITE and Shaving 1 (10 dot.

ODONTINE TOOTH PASTE and STRAWBERRY TOOTH Flavoring Extracts, a full Received and oifered cheap by T. WELLS. Furniture, Coach, Demar, Brown W- and Black Japan, Iron, Leather, Instrument and Picture r' OfD Gold'Foil, Si ver Leal, Red, Yellow dosen Hair, Tooth, Nail, Hat, ninth. Paint: DnstineV Sweeninir Scrubbing, Pooha, Stencil, Horse, Comb, Shoe, Stopping and Varnish Brashes. MAHOGANY anQ OAK-VENEERS and MOULDINGS.

WALT. PAPER and'BORDEBrSG. 'IMPERIAL, YOUNG) GUNPOWDER AND BLACK 'IE AM, Received uy t. aijLjs. Spices, 1500 IbstTPeppe'r; StS Pimento; Cloves, Cinnamon, Mace, Ginger, Ground Spices, Vennicella Sparkling Gellatiue," GingT.

IBipcs. Marbles, Gun. Flihts, Percussion: Gun Wadding. T. WELLS.

IiVJ3, Morphia, Chloroform, Pepsin, Cod Liver st Olt.Strichninc; Hvd. Potassae. Iodine. Nitrate Silver. Select fowders or upmra, ipecacuanna, calocynth, Khu-barb, iteceiveu oy nciiLB, aiaraet

A RTISTS' COIjOKS. 60 dosen inflexible tubes Smooth Stretching Boards. Poppyr ana una, ir.euroi, Danger ana uamei's uair Brusnes. iteceiveu w- T. SHOT, Lead Zinc, BlockTin, Rifle, Blasting and Pistol Powder; Safety Fuse; Bristol Brick, Bmery, BiacKana.rniteaan..

-r. wau.a. l.YTK?. Sand Paner. Bnreau Knobs.

Shoe Pep, ririn. JsT les, Morocco-Skins', "Chamois, White Slicepl and parchment Jteceiveaj)y IriniinK inkii, ussoi tea. rceceiveu auufuuercu uuc.ii, vj T.VEIJS. jfNasre Oransre 4T5 lbs with pamphlets of. 'V instruction for thexniture management' of this.

fa-. vorite hedge plant of America Received, T. WELLS, Sifftt of meMAN and Mortar, un Jfarkel 'March 18. opposite Uhiort Street; Nashville. Mjlora' lntei.nrAfiviihilPnrln'n.FIiirn:: By Mrs.

Sarah J. Ha'e. With many otheis just rer ivcdl.y 11AGAN 5000 tBS" NiBW8 ND BOOK-INKS, for'pale ROSCOEy-' in tnia.marKet.. Feb 9- A H. ROSCOE.

MDrtlmAi-, y. OOV. 11 H. S. FBEXCB SONS.

WHOLES AiK GKOCEB, COMaOSSIOSriMKEaEAin' ass ukalek ih COTTON, TOBACCO, AND ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, jOorner of 'Clarke and Market Streets, NASsHTUXE, JOHNSON, HORNE WHOLESALE GROCERS, ozstssLaasfo foewabdesg "nfaVJTAND DBAiBKS IN D015NN' 'TOBACCO. VW owd.si4Brltet streets; isept. (j TOHNBON," HORNH CO', will devote 8fku Attcitios tJjjgaAdimardgGiiandtte Purchase snd of iProduce'and Merchandise and wOlbeconstant-ly soplule4 sm'd'ijirgins-, Sugar, Cofrefe, 9Ialsujses and Ml and af! articles ilyjtept UauchSttablisfaipaBH Est Warehouses, coruerol Brood and Market streets STEATTOK, grocers. BUCK COMMISSION jTTEUClIANTS 'T' FOREIGN: AND DOMESTIC LIQTJOES, torner of Market and Clark Streets, Nashville, Tenn. R.

O'KANE, DEALER IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, 1 SovtK'Eost Corner of College and Church Streets, Sep. 2. 'SS. Jfaahyille, Tcnn. DAVIS, FILCHES CO.

to davis swabk,) WHOLES A LP GROCERS, Auction anil CommitHion, RECEIVING. AND MERCHANTS, Bo. 73, Public Square, Nashville, Tenn. N. Br We will have regular Auction.

Sales every Tuesday. Liberal Cash made on all Shipments of Nov. '55. JO, EDWARDS, WHOLESALE FORWAEDLNG AND COMJUSSION MERCHANT, 7 AS OBALKH IN BRAHDEES, "WINE3, CIGAR Comer of College and Church Streets Jel Nashville, a. btewaht.

r. l. weakley. STEWART 6c WEAKX.E WHOLESALE GROCERS; COSQIISSibN MERCHANTS iKIVDliLERB If Foreign and Uouiestic Liquors No. 8 Broadway, Nabhtiixb, Tenn.

JAS. B. CRAIGHEAD, BALE If IS AxD CUTLERY, itjj. 29, -Public Square, -NASHVILLE. TO enable me to sell.goods at low prices, from this date, sundries purchased on credit shall be considered dae when the articles are delivered, and pay-' men'ts-wllibe expected when fhe accounts are'presented.

Jan. 10, .0. Bioaon. F. OKfUUi.

NICHOL, GREEN BAILEY, f. FORWARDING- AND COMMIfiSION SEERCHAN1S, Nos. 46; asp 4T, BbiiEOK Near IlaojD, NASHVILLE, TENN. i)A OASES and K-casks' HNE BltANDIESi 2o barrels American 20 packages Catawba do. 25 boxes Jose Mitcheline Cognac do, i i Fruits, BO bbls Orange.ftroveSectified Whiskey, V- Fletcher's Neutral do, 100 Magnolia do, SO American and Holland Gin, 15 Native Woe, 49 Old Rye, Bourbon and Reserve Whisky, .100 dozen Brooms; 5n' bbls Loaf, Crushed and Powdered Sugars, 5 kegs Lend; SO Shot, ISO bbls: OrnderiTs Superfine FInur, SO boxes Tobacco, various brands, 150 bags Baltimore and New Orleans Rio Coffee, tit) boxes S5 Pearl Starch, 1(H) Star Candles, 50 Long and Squat 100 Quart, Pint and X-Phit Flasks, many other articles whlclfwe.are offering cheap to the trade.

N1CIIOL, GREEN, BAILEY. -Wehave'on consignmetat-25 bbls. prime" Clover Seed Cheap for Cash. A large lot of Prime -Bacon and Lard On hand; vasn orders filled at-the shortest notice, at No. 40 and 41 College Street; by, Aprils.

B. CITY PLUMBIMO ESTABLISHMENT, Spring aid Market Streets. E. services to the citiaens or Nashville the above hnsmess. and now In nut.

aoove bnalneBa, and is now put. lons and Lead Pipes-uf all.descrip- the. m6st-satiaficin at.nna nanai, Pthe lowest is55 THE following, calls- pnStockhoiders: Ji: ten peroent. on 1st Jaauary. issl IstMarah Ten do.V.-lst-April InwnMt wlfrhe.aUbyed.for pre-payment, and Siock-holdi Vers will invariably beeuedwheu.

delinquent. By-6rder if the Board. Deo. tf. 1 Tr, Notice uf.

smckliialilcrK. Orrica NAattviLLiAOKrilWiiSTitKN, K. R. CO: I 8, ISM. That ten per cent eaUsJfc mad'opthelstind Slsi Jaoh- suy, the 2nd the 1st Jonaf the 1st July, the 1st 1st "September and the 1st slock rendered absolute bythe-locaUoSf n.wDppt In the city" or ob.1 Bishop i MDes'.

Street'. AH calls' "are7dne, VwiU be: al-' lowed interest thereon. It is hopedj that Stockholders will', call at the ofBce of the Company, ulcn ike eaUt art pavai.i- Bjroraer.of the.

Republican Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.