APARTMENTS CITY UNFURNISHED HOUSES RENT SUB (615) HELP WANTED HFI WAMTFD I4QQ) INVESTMENT PROPERTIES (535) R.E. MOUNTAINS (580) HOUSES RENT CITY (610) APARTMENTS CITY UNFURNISHED 1400) POSITION WANTED (630) HOUSES SALE pITY SUBURBAN I TAIIOR Full lime pos TV-VCR TECHNICIAN Experi Mons retail exp nec Call Bob 944 4040 IN COCKEYSVILLE TELEMARKETING-TELEPHONE Solicitors dsys only No weekends or nights fcx-cellen! working conditions tarn big buf.ks Call Donna for ajpt, Mon Tues, 9 AM 4 PM, 944 0073 TELEPHONE SOLICITOR Experienced only For Mary-land's No 1 Remodeling Co Work from our Pikesville office or at home We pay salary, daily, weekly monthly bonuses, with earnings in excess of $30,000 to the pros Giant Building Co 653 2848 VISIT THIS ONE-STOP-SHOP See 17 Luxurious Communities 15 Beautifully Furnished Models And 27 Various Floor Plans. Our Personalized Service Is Available Daily To an APARTMENT To Rent Best Suited For Your or TELEPHONE SALESPERSONS needed in our Glen Burme office Good speaking voice Will I rain Salary plus bonus Hours 10 AM to 2 PM, 5 PM to 9 PM Call todav 768 1642 TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST full time, to handle incoming calls tor busy home delivery service Experience preterrea Can 668 2480 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Part time from our Harford Rd office Morn or eve Can earn $5 per hr sat bonus Call 254 8131 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Rm hurki short hours, pleas ant speaking voice req 461- OPEN 7 DAYS 9-5 P.M. North on York Rd. to Padonia Rd.
Turn right cont. 1 mile to Cranbrook signs to Pavilion mile 3 4a)2 aft 9 30 a Mon-Fn tram Benefits mcf BCBS 8 vacation B68-8320 Tflf-PHflNI- Oidftr Clerks, an swer our busy phone, PT Rd. Lakespring Way. Phone 628-1002 BqusI Housing Opportunity 3 eves 4H6-94b mm) LUXURY APARTMENTS AT THE GREENS IN ESSEX Equal Housing Opportunity All Apts. Plui Utilities Eastern Ave.
to Bock River Neck then south to MiddTborouah Rd. and follow signs MTA Bus posses door. fOW TRUCK DRIVERS Full oart time schedules avauaoie ColumbiaHoward County area fcxp desired, not req a (iood dnvina record nec 'Apply in person, Columbia TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Leader in transportation industry is taking applications for city Tractor and Trailer drivers Must be at least 23 years old. be able to read, write and follow and possess a valid. current chauffeur license -Wo prefer one year tractor tiailer experience with a yood record of previous employment Apply in person Roadway Express Inc.
XYJ7 Marshall Ave, Laurel, Mon-Fn, bet 9 AM-noon or 1.3 PM An affirmative actionequal opportunity em-jjloyer Qualified minority aid'dr female applicants are encouraged to apply -TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Qualified drivers needed to fill immediate positions Earn or more per year v. witn incentive ana irinyt bnnefit nroaram. Local work VNo overnight or weekend layovers Permanent employ vment for those who have yoars tractor trailer experi snce and good driving re 760-5698 EOE: TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS Local road Full time Pier helpful Good pa insuiance benefits Cal 31b 6900 PHONE 391-8V50 3206 KM 2400 BLOCK NORTHERN PKWY. Betw. Loch Raven Harford Rd.
on Busline CONVENIENT LOCATION LANDSCAPED GROUNDS I BEDROOM $295 TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS nih nav new eauiDment. 2 Plus Utilities OPEN 7 DAYS 9 to 5 CALL 444-4411 DOMESTIC (430) HOUSEWORK Care tor el derly Tues-Fn $30 car tare Omar Gibbs. 675-4282. 3-PM win clean your house, apt ottice. but I mean really ciean, sparkling as you wisn Give it a try.
Call me oo i-juy LOOKING tor domestic work ft care tor elderly Pikes- villeReisterstown 462-2019 NURSE would like to take care ot eiders, days weekends, wrets 523-7586 SETTLED LADY would like to care tor elderly, wown transp 566-5551 BABYSITTERS CHILD CARE (440) ABYSITTER Housekeeper. Mat reap In our home wtransp for infant 3 days a wk 752-2371 Federal Hill BABYSITTER in my home. Must have 30AM-9 30AM own transo ft good ret 3-4 day wk Sal negot 448-3583 BABYSITTER needed in my home on or about March 1st Exp refs, req'd. Call 732-1271 BABYSITTER wanted for in fant. PikesviiieOwtngs Mills area, 367-3134 CHILDCARE NEEDED in Ml Wash home, Mon thru Thurs, 8-5 Rets req 367-1227 DAY Care Mom in Owings Mills has openings fu I PT All ages welcome 363-8276 LADY wbaby will babysit ngnt nskpg in your nome (Moravia area) 483-5412 LIC DAY CARE Perry Hall uakhurst Estates Opening for 2 toddlers, ages 2 yrs up Full time only Man' years exp wrefs 256-3640 LICENSED Daycare Mom Owings Mills avail meals mcl All ages 356-5997 WOMAN Needed to pick up cniia at Sinclair Ln tiemema ry Call 342-6059, after 6 POSITION WANTED (FULLTIME) (450) AM OUT OF WORK I need a job because of plant closing Exp packing, receivina Si shipping 8i running factory macn mj nr wk day wk Pay $4 50-S5 00 Have nc car Near busline Call 1 PM-b PM b33-b402 MAN DESIRES Job tor delivery messanger service ijOOd driving record a ref Honest dep.
Worked for Western Union 32 yrs Estb closed its doors Z44-7 139 MAN Desires ipb as painter 10 yrs exp can MATURE "PERSONABLE male seeking T. employ Exp as guard, driver, rental agt. 4b-023S Thank you NURSES Aid wants to take care ot handicapped child can jzn tthb PBX RECEPTIONIST. Dimen- sion exp Mature, 255-6965 reliable MUSICAL, DANCERS. ETC.
(470) KEYBOARD PLAYER needed tor top 40 band part time Call phil 243-4888 WANTED versatile bass player wsirong vocals, attractive appearance et stage pres ence for steady working Top 40 band Frank 796-7695, sam bbo-uut HOUSES SALE CITY SUBURBAN (505) EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subiect to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illeaal to aavenise Any preference. Iimi tation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national orgin, or an intention to make any such preference, limi tation or discrimination This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are formed that all dwellings adver used in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity oasis. MAGILL YERMAN Better Homes and Gardens GUILFORD OPEN 12 THE ST JAMES Ultimate residence of unprecedented yuainy at dui Nort manes btreet Dramat monolithic highrise offer panoramic views, unexcelled personal services, terraced pool, walls of glass and more and bedrooms from $244,000 Occupancy tBD-B4UU HO SCHMIDBAUER REALTY 661-4600 HIGHLANDTOWN 3 BR, bath THS that features loi rooms lots of r.lORet space Living room accented by artific firpl steel porch oft Fam Room zoned 2 appts now being used as single unit excellent staner. 30's We Get The Job Done!" Equal Housing Opportunity NO MONEY DOWN BELAIREDISON 2 or 3 BR homes available in excellent condition with only 1000 total cash needed Buy like rent move in now Equal Housing Opportunity CAVALIER REALTY 563-0600 INVERNESS 3 Br End of Group, efficiency kitchen wbreakfast bar, ww carpet, storm windows and doors, ideally priced for first time buyers or investors (2029 LA) 282-3355 Century 2 1 Umstot Rlty Inc BUY LIKE RENT PIMLICO SECTION 2535 Oswego Ave $340 BALTO 1815 Biddle St $190 BALTO 608 Dukeland $270 2124 Riduehill $190 SIDNEY REALTY 685-3366 NO MONEY DOWN Buy like rent. $400 only cash needed Houses in all parts of the City 486-0400 ROSEDALE (R 41 HOMEOWNER'S WARRANTY-3 BEORM CUSTOM BUILT ALL BRICK RANCHER on Ige lot 2 Fireplace.
Natural Woodwork, La Closets SAUERS 4HH-44O0 BELAIR-EDISON Immaculate 7bH home in lovely area Pride of ownership shows Soffos, 48ft 7247, Hallmark. Inc 2b2 R30j SUN. WANT ADS BRING RESULTS CALL 539-7700 INVESTOR general contractor looking tor investor to duiiq single family nomes tor saie-Lifes ambition Serious inquiries only 32 7-6467 FORECLOSURES For a free list of properties in your area call 3Ui-ifj-ui 12 WASHINGTON BLVD 6 rms. as nt Vac $12,000 KLEIN ROS 327 2814. 764-3990 MONEY DOWN Low prices vacant and rented city houses 467-u40b Real Estate Investment Call Sommers ft Sommers 243-8900 EXPERT PROPERTY MGMT Consumer Mgmt 669 1600 MANAGEMENT SINCE 1916 FREDERICK, INC 752-6400 BUY OR SELL.
ALL LOCA TIONS MARKAY 889-666 HOUSES For Sale City most rented Cheap fb4-b2H MOBILE HOMES SITES (540) 10x50 CHAMPION, frl 2HH. can Slav in park Moving, must sell $6000 or best otter bw-ooi SCHULT 14 wide Custom Classic Owner leaving state Low interest 99-4H9U MOBILE HOME Compl 636-1250 aft 6 nished SKYLINE. frpl move 799-4890 interest E.LOTS ACREAGE (550) A. A. COUNTY 200 unit muftt family subdivi sion in AA County Heady to build on.
Flex take down schedule Builders only. No individual lot sales lot subdivision. 1 to 2Vi acres Der site, wooded. rolling ground Ready to build flex taxe oown scneauie Owner may assist wtinanc- ino MM.auu per site 10 lot subdivision Excellent water privileges, boat harbor community acre lots sewered Heaav to duiio Partial settlement woption. $3 1 .900.
1 lots, beautifully wooded, walk to the water, Southern AA Co Permits ready. S26.bOU. option. Imost 2 acres, partially wooded private, easy commute Balto area 20 acre homesite, partially wooded, portion is water fowl habitat wmeanderino waterways $89,900 May have some financing assis tance 301-263-6681 LEAVE MESSAGE PLEASE! PA LIQUIDATION SALE 3 Acres 1 1 ,900. Sacrifice sale ot Drime acreaae provides opportunity near Ski Liberty ft Caledonia State Park.
Beautifully wooded. level, approved for building vacationpermanent nome Exc. financing available weasy mo. pymts. Cal 717-273-6910 FALLS RD- 3 12 ac's level open in new executive community of OREGON GATE.
$97, 000 Gaylord Brooks Rlty Co bb-UHOU PRIME BLDG LOT 1 mi from beach, filled ready to build on, quiet residential wooded area iuuxiout-1 oa-BJ HOWARD COUNTY 3-7 ac homesites Call the land soeciaiists AMERICAN PROP 465-4920 Parcels or lots for sale Balto. or Harford CO COUNTRY LIFE REALTY 557-7333 OWINGS MILLS 'i acres build ing lots, public sewer and water Call 484-0613 eves WANTED LOTS or ACREAGE HANNAH TABOR, INC. Mrs Fox 484-1336 APPROVED 89 twnhse lots priced to sell 242-6400 BALTO CO 3 acs $32,490 Manor Rlty l-4bl3 R.E. FARMS LANDS (555) HOUSE HUNTING' Call Cold- wel Banker. Bob Yost tnc Shrewsbury.
Pa at 717- 235-3814 We're the Home Sellers' WATERFRONT SALE (560) WATERFRONT $92,500 Quali ty constructed 3 BR town- house. Over looks Middle River Breath taking water view your own boat slip Spring is just around the corner Call ask tor Addy Watson 68-0741 529-1900 (416WA) Long 81 Foster Realty EHO ANNAPOLIS SURROUND- NG AREAS Including Kent Is See our ads for various waterfront property Many available Call we'll send into A great selection. MT VERNON REALTY 974-1386 VA LAND SALE 8 6 AC $12,900 w500 frontmd on the North River Gently rolling woodsmeadows Approved for building vou primary vacation nome Only 2 hrs -Balto Must sell! Will finance Call today 3U4-2S-2JUb SENECA RIVER 2'A BR, V4 vinyl siding. acre lot. new windows, roof 33b-bbb NEW RANCHER HOW bldg SUBURBAN RLTY 321-Obl Waterfrt Homes, all areas AA Co Gary Hart Rltrs 761-5000 WATERFRONT RENT (563) MARINE OAKS Middle River twnhse 3BR.
LR. DR. eat in kit. CAC, ww, WD. DW retnq Boat slip avail $600 mo 391-288 R.E.
EASTERN SHORE (570) RALPH BROWN ASSOC INC Your Eastern Shore real estate connection 1-R22-8100 OCEAN CITY SALES (573) LOOKING FOR BEACH PROP ERTY? Let us help' FREE Sales List Call LELAND 296-2049. 1-800-492-1B 2 BR 2 bath condo, ocnfrt bldg call Don Crist Sr Agt Owner bl-0214 c-21 Crist CALL FOR FREE SALES LIST SHORFLINE 1 HOO-492-SH (2 OCEAN CITY RENTALS (574) Call for Fr Color Brochure evening Reservation Hours 1 -HUU-bJJ- UJUU O'CONOR PIPER FLYNN REALTORS formmtv Coastal Condominium Realty fcqual Housing Opportunity HOLIDAY REAL ESTATE Call For Free Color Brochure Evening Rewnvation Hours 1-800-492-1876 Member OC Board of Realtors Equal Housing Opportunity LARGE 1BH, water front townhse wboat dock 8i pool Close to Boardwalk Avail for seasonal rental Adult or family only Call daytime 1-800 437 600 or call eves 301 289-7096 ask for Karen Staskey OCEAN BLOCK TOWNHOUSE Luxury spacious 3BR. 2 ba Off boardwalk. 2 decks, fully equip Sleeps 10 Private prkg families only Reserve your summer vac now 6R4 2761 LUXURIOUSLY FURNISHED NEW HOUSE Ocean City, 3BR, 2 bath, AC All anols Screened porchpatio furni ture Short walk to beach 256-0112 BAY TOWNHOUSE Luxury 2BR, 2 ba. Pri deck nier fullv enum ns 7.
Brrfwalk. families nnlv Re ceive summer wks 584-2761 FREE RENTAL BROCHURE Toll Free Md 800 468 1123 Other B0O343-3333 ERA ENGLISH REALTY FREE COLOR BROCHURE CALL LELAND 296 2049 1-8' X) 492-187 FREE RENTAL BROCHURE Toll free 1 -BOO 43-7600 Moore. Warf.eld Glrcf( OCE ANrRONT 138th St 3 ntuht special $150 Sleeps 6 Alio wHy rentals 532 8234 FREE RENTAL CATALOG SHORELINE 1800-492 5832 OPEN UNTIL 8PM FULL SUMMER RENTAL-2 BR2baths Oceanview con do By Owner 1 R74R SEASHORE RESORTS (577) 3 1 2 enced only Hets required Call 315 4617 or 354 1860 TYPIST TELEPHONE part time. 24 JO tlex hrs. days Balto 327 8204 TYPIST-WORD PROC-STENO immed work all areas loo ABLE TEMPS 685 2550 Uf2l5 AUTO PARTS COUNTERMAN for speed shop Some performance experience pre ferred Dul will train neces sary Full time Hours will include Saturdays and Sundays Call Will at 922-3723 UPHOLSTERING APPRENTICE SHIP tor making marine related upholstery and covers Some sewing experience necessary Please call 1-257-7845 betw 8 4 30 VETERINARY ASS'T responsi ble person, lull time Must like working wanimals ft eople Apply in person.
130 Loch Raven Rd VIDEO SALES-RENTALS Opportunities now available in business rasiesi growing industry ease salary -r commissions and bonus incen tives Retail sales experience preferred Call tor interview at 725549 WAITER WAITRESS, Must be exod Apply in person Westview Lounge, Ingleside ti balto Naiirike WAITRESSES AND BUS HELP Pari time full time positions available bood benefits New owners Apply bet 9AM 2AM. Mon-Fn. 1701 Belmont Ave WAITRESSCOOK Full or part time Apply person 1401 Reistersiown Road WAITRESS Exp'd ni ply in person. Bud Restaurant. 3919 bard St 3hts Ao- Paoltno's fc Lom- WAITRESSES Fall hiring Full time Exp required Burke Restaurant, 62-41M9 WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR Chemical mfg reqs.
supervisor w2 yrs exp, in all phases of warehouse operations, exo in shipping, receiving. inventory control Must be motivated, self-starter, organized capable ot working under pressure Send resume to Delta Chemical Corp 9601 Cannerv Ave. Balto Md 21226 or call 354-0100 for application WAREHOUSE MANAGER MA.IOR HOWARD CO DIS TRIBUTOR LOCATED NEAR RT 1 ft 32 HAS IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED SHIRT-SLEEVE MANAGER WIIH GOOD OR GANIZATIONAL ABILITY TERRIFIC OPPORTUNITY WITH EXCELLENT INCOME PACKAGE CALL MR STRAUSS. 792-8282 WAREHOUSE We have long short term warehouse positions available Own phone is needed Apply on Monday, Tuesday or Wed trom 10 a -1 1 30 am at BFftM Temps, 805 Light St 72 -4406 WAREHOUSE PERSON Assistant Truck Driver Must be reliable Car and copy of driving record required Steady employment Call Ben's Furniture City irw rjc IO WAREHOUSEMAN Apply person, Dorsey Rd. BWI area Import Associates 7459 Candlewood Rd.
Hano ver, Md WAREHOUSEMAN Plumbing supply house Stock, order puller, general warehouse du ties Call Mike Carre, 727 0800 bet 1 WAREHOUSE MGR fully exp To S20K benefits Gtywide Agency 3b auuu 14) WELDER FITTER must be state certified Must be able to read structura stee bue prints Top wages, plenty of Ol Hi good benetits Apply within LB Corp 3515 Parkdale Ave ott 4 1st St Bridge WELDERS Small shop, yrs exo wiaoncanon exp tiec trie arc Si MIG, valid Md driver ic WE ACO 467-1 354 WELDERS years experience own transportation Call 477-2100 WELDER To work in company vara must, do sxare cenmea Some knowledge of con st ruction equipment welding prererrea, rviusr nave iransp AddIv in person wcard at Allied Contractors Inc 3510 Hawkins Kotnt Hd betw 9am-3pm or call 3b5-9440 Equal Opportunity Employer Mi- vn WINDOW 1Mb i allcM commercial window and store front insta ler-must be exnd excellent benefits 525-2404 WORD PROCESSORS Olsten Temporary Service pays top 111 La oas-ft)DQ X-RAY TECHNOLOGIST Registered Full time position in private radiologist office located near the Franklin Square Hospital Excellent salary and benetits call JbB-612 betw 8 30am 4 for interview Yacht Broker wanted, very reasonable, presentable, non smoker, hrvnttui BOX NUMBERS When replying to an ad with a box number, use the exact letters and numbers as they appear in the ad and address the envelope as follows: THE BALTIMORE SUN Business Office, Box No. 501 N. Calvert St. Baltimore, Maryland 21278 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES (410) SECRETARIES All office personnel, Eastern Employment Service 83 7 0777 BF RECRUITERS 10 CALVERT ST 539 5800 Employers Exchange NEED A CLERICAL JOB' TOWSON 821-1900 ADIA Personnel Services Temp Perm Placement 298 6700 83 7 2444 EMPLOVMhNT UNLIMITED AGtNCY 1fjO Eastern Ave 21231 327 6900 Professional Personnel Service Columbia (Engineering) 740 2 700 Towson (Acclg, 823 WHO FOX MORRIS specializes in sales, acctngtinancial, ongt-newiing ft personnel 2')8-4bno FUTURES INC Trainee to Pres 321 19R4 NANCY ADAMS 206 R626 6W'i 7763 HELP WANTED DOMESTIC 1420) HOUSEHOLD Livfi in 5 days Must be exp'd wrocent local rpfs Exc salary Call Sun 4B6-4740, Mon-Fn 4H(3 07 70 HOUSE KtfcPER WTD 4 hrday, dayswk, hrs are flex Cleaning, washing liqht cooking Car is nec No public transp avail 484 7416 or 296 HhnO wkdays 9am-6pm, 628 6331 nights wknnds Ank for Wnbhnr HOUSEKEEPER Live in, rot's req Cleaning, cooking child care 40 hr wk $200wk, treefm board, car avail, foe paid Select m- ployment (agency) 6b3-1313 Mon t-ri, Job 1Mb HOUSEKEEPER Live in Gener al duties cooktng ft cleaning Mature indiv to assume care for one 3 yr old child 40 hr wk i.i jo nr ui as neeort Frpe rm ft board 664 2 LADY TO LIVE IN Do light housekeeping for elderly man itii ario LIVE-IN COOK For mature couple Must have experience and good references Starting salary $b0 weekly Heply y-a. Mon Fn 1900, weekends I 15051 GARDEN VILLAGE Stylish 3 BHiv baths tHb witn rear deck, brick BBQ pit pad Call Ken Lehn-euter 256-5537.
256-3800 Century 2 1 Rohe Rone WAVERLY 8V FINANCING' Completely remodeled 3BR EOG, beautiful work, gas heal payments $347 per month! Call to qualify KAYHOUSE 444 2700 Choosing the right career path is one ot your most important decisions Call about out real estate career seminars Bamck, 825-6400. Grem-pler Realty Inc GARDENVILLE 3BR. LR. DR. eat in kit, tarn rm mud rm, above ground pool, cor lot Priced to sell (4VI KEY RLTY 285 4300 PARKVILLE Superior 3BR Semi-Det w2 full baths Landscaped lot wdeck, Clu-broom, gas heat Financing avail KAYHOUSE 391-8500 BELVEDEREALAMEDA Immac 3 BR TH Full Clbrm Gas heat 435-4798 BOLLINGER PARKVILLE 3 BR Rancher wcarpet thru out, garage, dryer Century 21 Horizon 882-0021 BEST OF HAMPDEN.
Great 3BR 2BR home. Pretty Beech Ave AbbUCS 296-5770 EHO NORTHWOOD 3 BR brick home with large rooms, tire place and parkinrj pad. Valley Properties 29b-Boo BR twnhse. beaut cond immed poss (270) John Cairnes Rlty Co Inc 557- 8080 CATONSVILLE 3 BR EOG woaraae clubrm ERA Caton Rlty 4bb-dJUU REAL ESTATE CAREER CALL CENTURY 21 METROPOLITAN 254-8800 HIGHLANDTOWN 3BR, MILIO S33.500. E.K.
282-7677 $79,600 CO RANCHI Hal bchooinick Rlty, Rltrs 484-89 7 7 CATONSVILLE New Listing! 3 bedroom rancher S.90O C-21 Forty West 461-6066 WHITE MARSH 2 BR Vh bath twnhse AYRES RLTY 665-0201 BR 2'S Bath Col 2-car gar Hori2on Homes Builder 529- 3333 Chesapeake Bay Rlty Inc RESIDENTIALCOMM'L TOOHEY ASSOC INC RLTRS iVl 2300 EHO Butchers Hill 3 BR EOG 8 Rlty 679-2900 EHO CALL CENTURY 21 ASSOCIATES 944-2300 MARTIN GARY REALTY 405 Frederick Rd 744-7155 CENTURY 21. CC Ritten house, Inc Rltrs. 744-7500 CHARLES CARROLL CO ResidentiallnvProp 377-8540 N. BALTO REAL ESTATE Wilson Rltrs 433-7800 HILL CO 436-2000 CROSS KEYS I A BALTO INC REALTORS 338-1 122 LANCE LOTA ASSOC INC RE 461-4444 EHO ALBERT JONES COMPA NY of MD INC 665-2095 HEBB ASSOCIATES. INC 752-0230 NEW HOMES BELAIR PRIDE REALTY 866-2001 RE MAX Realtors Work with the best 1-800-826-2314 Dickeyviile salerent Pat Perkins JJH-lbB4, Hubble BH9-69UU ARBUTUS 2 sty, $79,900 Neale Rlty 744-6b00 CHASE FITZGERALD CO.
INC REALTORS 366-7700 A A. Buy like rent or leaseop tion Ub B41-6U14 NO DOWNPAYMENT MILLER. INC 882-5980 GILBERT MARSIGLIA CO 321-61 1 1 Balto 4 Br Ths 21 Andresini Skopp B2S-122 OTIS WARREN CO RLTY EHO 484-6700 IN TOWSON. Call Long I Foster today at 583-9400 BOWEN REAL ESTATE 89-8633 or 838-86Z4 LATSHAW CO INC REALTORS 296-6000 Rosedale 3 BR rancher KOPPELMAN RLTY 583-8185 Balto Co stn CapeC $86,500 c-l beaman Rlty 52 1 -2900 GOVT HOMES FOR SALE Randolph Realty 532-3093 BROOKLYN 2apt TH exc cash tlow Hartman Hlty H9-42U6 STROMBERG ASSOC 1515 Sulphur Spring 242-7100 3 BR. 2 full baths Call Century 21 RAM RLTY INC 828-6150 BARRETT DARBY Realty Inc 574-4600 Rosedale, Md HOUSES SALE BALTIMORE CO (507) BALTIMORE CO Magnificent view conv IOC in cocxeys- vniewarren Manor bit bath home, familyrm, 2-car oar All for lust $174,900 Call 666-7077 or 825-6400 Grempier Hearty.
EHO ELLICOTT MILLS-CATONS VILLE Low. low $100's. sgle Tamny almost new level SL Fpl, deck, exc fin Quiet street Call Gary Pakulla 730-6100 or 631-2303 (7HEI RE MAX REALTORS RANDALLSTOWN 1 Bren brook Rd New single family home 3BR. 2Vi baths Corky Whiteford 825-6400. 377- 6680, Grempler Realty.
EHO ESSEX Clean updated 2 BR bungalow, fam rm, FP. AC, i car gar acre I6B.OUO Brown Rltr 592-6bOO HEBB VILLE- Brand New 3Modeis Avail Immed Poss Call Today MB CUTSAIL 922-2500 PERRY HALL indiv 4 BR. bath Reduced for quick sale HOWley Hlty HH9-Ub9 OVERLEA AREA 3 BR cott baths, pas w. ht Ige lot tots ot extras bbb-aiu RANDALWOOD RANCHER TSOTTLES REALTY 2b2-22b5 Catonsville 4 BR Rancher AW HAPPFL. INC 242 64fi0 HOUSES SALE ANNE ARUNDEL CO.
(509) CAREER NIGHT Feb 26. at 7 PM Call Sandy Bunting. 768 9100 for reservations Merrill Lynch Realty unns uone A A tion B4I 6014 HOUSES SALE CARROLL CO. (511) 3 BR Ranchers in Carroll Co Lall LONG (fc FOSTtR Elders- burg Mb SPLIT FOYfcR on 3 acres 1 bounty H'XJ HOUSES SALE HARFORD CO. (513) 2 ACS Brick rancher, pool C-21 PHy 69 740 HOUSES SALE HOWARD CO.
(515) FINE HOMES BY C.HATAl IF BUII.nFRS 7n'l MTI1 HOUSES SALE PENNSYLVANIA. (523) YORK PENNSYLVANIA 3V4 acres, large house Front to back split level 4 BR. 1v ba, hdwd firs, 1VJ story, 2 car para 12x12 shed 26x36 barnworkshop Fruit, nut, evergreen trees 6Vj mi from East York shopping center Mid '90s 717 55 62 75 TOWNE (V ShrfW.hury COUNTRY RLTY Pa 717 235 79')4 CONDOMINIUMS (530) Clubhouse Condo rent 1BR David fnlrainn 663 9440 ROLAND PK 12 BR w'FP $72 H' ibMo fwT INVESTMENT PROPERTIES (536) 6 unit brick apt bida Balto City Separate meters, CAC. $18,000 net income, $180,000 6 TH artl Catonsville Separate meters, $3,000 net income, $225,000 4 units, Catonsville. 2 hses.
1'4 acres, rent below mar ket, net income $11,000, $129,000 6 units, Shrewsbury, blda, 2 acrnq, net 168,000 Pa. 2 income TO 28 1 (630) Help You Select TOWNHOME Today Individual Lifestyle Rd. Turn left follow at corner of Cranbrook OPEN 7 DAYS 9-5 LARGE EAT-IN KITCHEN BIG WALK-IN CLOSETS 3 BEDROOM $345 Opportunity 2913 EUTAW PLACt 2uu Dix Henov ion in 1 111.01 tamed twnhse Newly painted, lots of closet space WW carpet, i.Jtiu mo. incl ht ft 2bH bHUI FOR RENT OR bALt newiy deco 3rm apr ii House Cross Keys Village Custom made bookcasesshades ft curtains beaut firs Monthy rental $850. sale price immed occup For appt call 472-236 GARRISON BLVD AREA 1BH aPt Jj20U-tU1IIS aii 1624 or 1-933 9265 GREENSPRING VILLAGE-1 ft 2 BH Apts ir a.ij GUILFORD ROLAND PARK 1.
2 ft jdm aaun ui-M pets 10 mins Jnn Harbor. Starting at $514 All utils mcl AC ft pool I Guilford Towers. 323 6500 HAMILTON Renov 3rd tlr Furn or unlurn i on omi WW carpet, refng, stove ft windows, ht inui 444-9864 HAMILTON Spacious 2nd nr 1BH, conv iu -shopping Pref non smkr a no pets 444 8434 HAMILTON CHARMING bpa-cious 2 BR Twnhomes now renting Lovely neighborhood Please call 444-1180 HAMILTON nr Harford Rd 3BR apt Ht incl $480 sec deo 823 8Q4H HAMILTON Lge 2nd fir 7 rms remod quiet adults Ht ind $395 483-2071 426 3578 HIGHLANDTOWN 1 BR 2nd fir, 3229 Baltimore St $250 per mo dep call 4H8 0067 after 6 HIGHLANDTOWN 2nd fir, 1 BR, sec req $250 mo utils 426 0836 HOLLAND HILLS AREA 2 BR. pri ent, 2nd fir. WW WD.
DW. $425 mo b4' 4248 aft 10 AM HOWARD Park 5rm and bath, newly deco rets req'd Call 997 9442 Inner Harbor MARLBORO SQUARE THE CLASSIC Nationally-acclaimed apartments with Old World charm and European style Outstanding features ot these 1 ft 2 bedroom apartments include an award-winning atrium garden, roof-too deck, oversized rooms ana closets, gourmet kitchens with microwaves, exposed brick walls, and free satellite Luxury furnished apartments for short or long term lease, with maid service available Models open daily 9-5 weekends 115 at 410 Lombard St (corner of Lombard and Paca Sts 659-6600 EHO INNER HARBOR LOFTS 36 38 SOUTH PACA ST Unique spacious loft apartments, beautifully renovated Television security hook up each apt Rents start at $450 ft Up This Month Only No Security Deposit Open Mon -Fn 1 1 00 5 00 Weekends 12 00 4 00 or 752-7777 INNER HARBOR 16 Minutes Our location means city convenience for you We offer you the best 1 or 2 BR apt in the area Ask for our FALL Special end get your let month rent FREE On MTA bus 30 Located at the 4600 block Alameda 1 block North ot Cold Spring Lane Open Mon Fn 8 AM-5 Sat -Sun 10 A 4 PM Phone .323 730T for the quiet of your own home INNER HARBOR a new apt. 2 BR. 2 bath, FP. WD, narking 50 mo 323 7700 INNER HARBOR Lux 1 BH an', renov bldg.
14 ceil, exposed brk walls. $500 686 0626 Kenilworth at Hazelwood Aprs Baltimore City 488 6000 LIGHT ST lb 10, 1st 'I! Compl renov 4 rms ft bath $36 mo utils Dont miia this one' Call 296 363 L0CHW00D APARTMENTS 1 BR APTS FROM $125 2 BR APTS FROM $3G5 HEAT, WATER 8. COOKING GAS INCLUDED Adult Community No hiid'an 130 Belvedere Ave SMAI PITS WELCOME. Mon Fn 9 to 4 PM Sat 10 4, Sun 12 4 433 64(10 LOMBARD SI '8J blk 3 BH ant elec ir.rl 2nd ft 3'd tlr $186 mo Call 544 0960 MD AVE 26' blk Gnmnndat'er Rlty $76 243 0012 MORAVIA ARMS 1 BR wbalc 391 H2H0 MT VEHN'JN h.uh rise luxury bidg 1 BH, fully tup 'a hr sec ft ari ser Gar parting avail Can 243 060 anytime PERRY HALL AREA 3 BR. 1VJ bath EOG, clubrm $600 No pets 256-4497 RANDALLSTOWN Extremely spacious 2 Bdrm 1VS Bath Townhouse NOW AVAILABLE Spacious room sizes, cable TV available, parquet floors on the 1st floor, patio Our grounds can accomodate logging and playing tennis, swimming, ball field and playground.
We have a 24 hour emergency staff that is second to none Call today this one wont last. 655-700C) RANDALLSTOWN Private setting, convenient location. This 2 bdrm town-home is fully equipped with eat -in kitchen, baths and much, much more Call today for details, this one wont last 922-7575 REISTERSTOWN 2 3 Bdr townhomes for rent, starting at $500 Call Cross Country Really 795-6000 RODGERS FORGE 3 BR. exc cond, avail Mar 15th, $675 per mo Call 377-7022 ROGERS FORGE 3 BR group Exc cond $750 mo Call 252-3791, 321-8020 SOUTHWEST 4301 Parkton St at Yale Ave 2 bedrm from $337 mo 3 bedrm. from $413.
Initial $100 security dep. avail on some units. Incl fenced rear some with WW carpet 2 month lease option. Open daily 9-9, Sat 9-5, Sun 10-5 Call 644-8690 College Gardens Co SOUTHWEST 4700 Gateway Terr Maiden Choice La Wilkens Ave Beltway exit 12 2 bedrm $407. 3 bedrm $467 Fenced yd, some wWW carpet Cable TV 2 mo lease option avail 242-1612 Westland Gardens Co cniiTwiwpT Melhourne Rd at 4301 Parkton St 3 bedrm.
semi-det. Fenced roar vH UVUB With WW carpet $446 Initial $100 cm- rtan aunil OoRn dai 9-9 Sat Sun 10-5 Call 644- 8690 Regional Mgmt Agt TOWSON Homes for rent LeRoy Haile 823-1656 TOWSONLOCH RAVEN VILL 3RR fog twnhse. i oauis. CAC. fin club bsmt, hdwd firs, firepl.
no peis dep 426-7452 WESTMINSTER Taneytown 2BR farm house, wouu heat-oil ht garage. Darn facil 6 mos lease $70Omo Call 876-6308 WHITE MARSH 2 BR THse, CAC, wu, an appi i $600utils sec Refs Avail 41 629-1690 HOUSES RENT FURN (620) uinnni aiatm 3 Bedrm at Walden Circle oft Woodlawn ur 4 oairis iila hcml CAC. hnnrtnome turn $655 mo 2 mo lease 788-4323 Re oional Mgmt Agent cr-nr-QAl Mil I Harbor View 1 aa imnnfl I ux ruin at equip. CAC WD LR. $400 par wk reduced montniy Maid 539-7074, 244-0049 FEDERAL HILL Harbor View Lux 2BR, i Da, rrs $1500mo 762-7523 or 539 7074 SOOTHWEST 4700 Gateway Terr at WHKens Ave rvtaiaen Choice La Beltway exit 12, 2 bedrm $458 mo Handsome turn ww carpet.
2 month lease Cable TV avail Call 242-1612 Westland Gar-riens Co HOUSES and APARTMENTS EXPENSE SHARING (625) BRAND NEW 3BR3 BA Twhs wdecK to snare ior mo 5 mins to Towson 46 1 -6756 6-11PM COCKEYSVILLE Resp consid erate temaie to snaiw iye house w3 others. 3 wood ac. non-smoker, no pets $250 elec 683-6550 FEMALE ROOMMATE W1U Non-smoker, IO snare apt uii small farm Bel Air area $200 mo V4 utils. Call 838 4090 aft 6 PM FEMALE ROOMMATE Needed $200V CitSiE (niiaren wei come 866-1358 FEM ROOMMATE betw 28-40 to share moaern on ouiiun Hill apt WU. Uw, carpei-ina in apt $290mo sec Uitls meld Call betw 8am-2rjm or aft 8pm, 383-2896 LOCH RAVEN TH, BR wpriv ent et oatn, utis inci ou mo 661-2748247-3707 Minni RIVERWHITt MARSH Hesp male or wn i share 3BR house WD AC $250 V4 utilf 574-1624 or 866-8381 George MT VERNON Prot fern seeKS same tor 2 bh wri-r.
ou 385-2421 269-5942 MT WASHINGTON Area young orof MF to share 2 BR. 2 ant wmale $235mo VS mils 764-8315 OWINGS MILLS Area, Nice rm ne Ant snare rem uma at fair price per mo Person wchild OK 366-6899 PARK HEIGHTS (upper) 2 BR 1V bath, AO. WW carpel WD, $200 mo. 12 utils 358 9516 ROOMMATE WTD Male to share UH nouse in uumuiu area w2 otner proiessionoia vun DW $263mo to utils. Call 235-0337 eves or 547-7009 davs ROOMMATE NEEDED Must ha Muwiflinn vounrj im med occup.
Call no later than 10 PM. 665-5441 Jeff DnruuiTK WANTED Wa terfront, orcnara eacn tan bet 2 or wtends 437-2604 WYMAN PARK Roommate Fern wanted to snare runy furnished house nr John Hopkins University Security system Avail immed $250 mo incls all utils 243-2920 ask for Jeff or leave mess YOUNG FEMALE smoker de- ftimR room to rent wsame Lookrna at 61, Columbia area, would like friendly envi rnnment 596 2727 (Wl APARTMENTS CITY UNFURNISHED (630) eaa 630 Baker rms, nmufl ref no. $175 mo 685-5650 Key 2012 Charles AAA NO SECURITY DEP. annrnunrl AnnllCatlOn -5CIIQ UU.nHsnr Mill 1HR $225 2 102 Calvert 13M J- 1013 St Paul alfic J2bb 229 Read 2BR $325 3009 North I BR $185 10O4 North 1 BR $195 3016 Chelsea Terr 1 BR $225 3810 Park Heights 1 BR $225 72 0650 A-ALAMEDA AREA 1BH $67 wkly utils, artults 23b 1704 ACROSS FROM CENTER STAGE Ht 8. incl $325 Davs 727 5505 42O0 ALAMEDA 2 BR $310 1300 PENNA AVE 1 BR $195 New decor 889-OR88 Al AMI-nA BELVEDERE 2 BR 1st fir $330 incls ht Lease sec req 254 0833 APT 2 BR, LR, kit ft bath water incl $315 639 4340 APTQ rtn.iraHlv Inr: A niir.ed From $220 mils 642-6002 AHGONNE DRIVE AREA 1 BR apt Conv transp shopping.
433 2331 1304 Argvle 1st 1 BR gas $150 1309 Aruvle 1 BR $'60 1913 Mi.Culloh 1 BR $225 Monroe 1 BR $196 91 1 Harlem 1 BR $180 1307 Argyle 1 BR, pas $15 1003 Broadway 1BR. $165 1338 Hanover 1BR, gas $280 62 Strieker 1BR. $160 235-1220 or 889 2640 BEAUT 2BR in Reservoir Hill, $289 mo Call 4B4 1 IbJ BELAIR Rn ner: ERDMAN 2nd tlr reo S260 t- utns avail Mar 1st 426 0836 BELAIR EDISON 1BR, exc NB hood, shopping No pets $300 sec 483 4449 eves BEIAIH RD ft ERDMAN AVE Ant-A rm hath, full kitch en, newly remod Quiet, ht incl $296 mo 668 -6051 HH AIR RD 1st tlr, 1 BR, kit dmrm, sunporch No pets $326 41.6 6528 alt 5prn BELAIR RD AHEA Ige 5 rm apt, modern kit, pri ent, no pets $'160 74 7 3263 nr i vf-nf-RE STUDIOS Am r.nnvenient to Belve dere Sd No pets $285utils 426 a 1 '2 nm tnN HH Lae 1BH Work CP in IR WhdWd firs Loe mod eat -in kit $365 inrls ht Avail immed Call 7 1 1 C32271 BOLTON HILL Deluxe, newly All Amenities 'e aant blda 1 BR $45 1 301 74 0536 Rf II TON HILL Entire fir ol manrl old brownstone Eutaw PI 2 BR, baths $650 225 9273 BOl TON HILL Deluxe, newly rarW nr All Amenities oant bldg 1 BR $45 1 301-740636 VA Riverfront Land Bar gains b-10 acres, ideal tor primary home or vacation sites l-j nrs Baltimore Exc owner tinancma Write for free list buyer guide Box 1 lbO Martins- burg, WV 25401 DEEP CREEK LAKE New twnhse rental, sleeps in door jacuzzi for 4, offseason rates JUi-aHM in REAL ESTATE WANTED (595 LAND WANTED 15 to 50 ACRES Level unimproved Suitable for wholesale nursery operation Can possibly be zoned rural or Ao Call Bob Shears or lom HOZyneK FITZGERALD MATAN INC 301-694-9200 PLEASE CALL MEI Top price-no commission uuick settlement Wolf Realtors 321-7650 CASH PAID, A A County homes, mtges cabinets a. ranges No fees, Gilbert 841-6013 We buv houseslots Fast settlements. Call Steve Hook 744-B31 1.
MORE CASH For NE Balto Homes Quick settlement CAVALIER REALTY b63-0600 QUICK CASH! FAST ACTIONI Homes-Lots- Acreaae-Wtrtrnts 77-8000 RLTR WE BUY BECKER REALTY 484-1700 TOP CASH HOUSES ANY SEC Mr Coles Castle Rlty 764-7242 CASH lor East Balto homes SLITZER REALTY 327-b44U FAST CASH Mr Dan Imperial RE 323-24QO 433-HHUH WE BUY PARTIAL ENTIRE ESTATES 922-7HbO WE BUY IN AA COUNTY Colonial Investments 636-2203 HOUSES RENT CITY (610) AAA $100 Sec Dep With Annrnveri anolication 421 Wash 3BR Gas $350 100 Riverside 2BR Gas S35 1702 Warwick 3BR $245 223 Madena 2BR Gas $259 1717 Brunt 3 BR Gas 1263 1610 Pratt 4 BR S2D 921 Preston 2 BR $275 1703 Barclay 5 BR $2b 2-ObbO ATHOL AVE 3 BR EOG, frl pch, fenced rear yd. car pad Vau mo aa-utjpa ATTRAC house comol redec 3325 Ravenwd 3BR gas $330 322 Whitndge 3BR gas J.2US 1 1 Winchester 3bH on laa Homewood Realty 539-0b90 BALTIMORE WEST 516 Bloom 4BR gas 512 Callander 1BR gas 5 1 102 uarroiiton 3bn on 3 1813 Dover 2BR oas 3 2224 Etting 3BR oil 3 243 t-rancis 2BH gas 3 1904 Franklin 3BR oil 5 304 Gilmor 4BR gas 3 515 Laurens 3BR oil i 1823 McHenry 2BR gas 3 19 Monroe 3BR oas 543 Monroe 3RR oil i 302 Mt Olivett 4BR oil $365 816 Mount 48R gas $195 141b Myrtle bbH oil 1 107 Race 2BR gas 1815 Ramsey 2BR oil 1402 Riqqs 3BR $280 $220 $200 257 Schroeder 2BR oas 317 Schroeder 4BR gas 3212 Woodland 3Bn on 235-1220; 889-2640 RAI TIMORF EAST 1562 Abbotston 3BR gas $225 749 Bartlett 3BR oil $275 322 Biddle 38 gas $200 lblU Bradford 3BH on 3zju 1344 Carey 4BH 2bb 924 Castle 2BR gas $215 1 ti crvsra jhh a oovj i N. Duncan 2BR gas $185 2732 Fenwick 38 oil 2832 Harford 4BR oil $265 2135 Jefferson 3BR oil $220 1 74H ewe vn 3BH oas IU 400 Madeira 3BR oil $220 717 Mura 3BR 01 12UU 2248 North 3BR oil $210 21 1 Oliver 3BR oil $230 2212 Prentiss PI 2BR oil $210 235-1220; 889-2640 BEAUT 4BR twnhse. 1836 Saratoga St Rent opt to buy $392 mo 4B4-llb3 Ran TRAIN MUSEUM AREA 347 Strieker Attrac 3 bm $295 233-Q462, 6b3-19U4 BREHMS LANE 4303 Brk twnhse, 2 BR, Ln, DR. kit, clubrm.
IVi baths, oas ht, CAC. WD. dishwasher, all new energy saving replace ment windows Immed oc-cup. $625 mo utils 81 sec dep 426-9552 or 879-8069 3-4 BRs ASSOC 945 Broadway 10-6 747-7 lOOeho BUY LIKE RENT 434 Strieker St 4BR $269 1 7 1 6 Patt Park Ave 3BH 3.249 1 104 Myrtle St 3BR $229 4b-U4U0 CANTON Nr Harbor Lovely 9RR TH sm den. sunnv kit.
nice yd $485mo 744-3755 CAHROLLTON AVE 1 153 6 rms. gas. $255 mo 366-2898 954 CHAPEL ST $175 mo 2 HH SBb-UWUb CHARLES VILL Abell Ave 3000 blk, 3 Bn. Nr union Memorial Hnsn Geisendafter Rlty 243-0012 CHASE REAL ESTATE 762-7277 CHESTER ST 1840 6 rms. oil, $22Q mo 3bb-2B9B CHRISTIAN 1927 $225mo.
Strieker 321, S2bU, 3bB- 6464947-8064 DAYTONA Ave Six rms. oil, $3 IS mo 1329 Division St 3BR $250 1012 Rutland Ave 3BR $250 3bb-4 121 DUKELAND ST 1807 6rms. gas heat, 532b mo -r sec dep 362 8439 EAST BALTIMORE. 501 26tn 51. hh.
yirumo -r utils 1 mo sec dep Sec 8 OK 655-1326 717 Biddle St 3BR $229 243-23U EDMONDSON VILL 3702 Flowerton Rd 3BHs, cluo bsmt, $379 sec Refs req Call 685-7100 FDMONDSON AV 341b. SIX rms. oil. $33b mo atie-2ma PRATT ST 2 BR, Vi ba, stove, relng, ww carpet. $295 233-Q462, 6B3-19U4 FEDERAL HILL Harbor View Lux 2BR, 2 D8, 2 ffs $1500mo 752-7523 539-7074 FEDERAL HILL-small house.
AC, parking BH9 13 FELLS POINT Townhse, 2 BR, 2V bam, 2 rirepi, oecx, WD $600mo utils Sec dep ref req a Avail 3 1 321-9303 FELLS PT 4 BR, AC. wash erdryer, deck, ww carpet 642 6001 9 5 FORT AVE 3 BRs, FP, WW Refng DW No pets Sec dep reo. $490 639 6619 FULTON AVE 2107 N- 6 rms, bath, like new, toy moup- tion To Buy HH9-B3tX) GREENSPRING AV, 3BR, VA ba, LR, dh, kit. lease wopt to buy $450mo 676-03 72 GREENVALE RD 3600 Blk St Agnes Hosp BH, comp renov rms, ww carper, a ann Oas ht Ge.sendaffer Rlty 243 0012 HERBERT ST 1919 Six rms. oil.
$210 mo 366 2H'H HIGHLANDTOWN 3 BR new ww carpet, newly oecor thrtioiit Onlv $2bO sec dep INVESTMENT RLTY 663 4200 Equal Housing opportunity ANDTOWN 934 Boul- dm $40O mo mw Fllvvnod $460 mo 3 BRs. oil ht Move cond 235-1220 or 889 2640 HIGHLANDTOWN 3 BR. IV ba twnhse Immed occup $395 mo John 661 56 78 HIITON ST $340 mo 1 1 6 rms, gas. 366 2H'I8 INNER HARBOR Area Conv to -39b Ri -9b 2BM IH, ww. AC, WD.
kit appls, adults nnlv. no nets, immed occup. refs red Days 762 27HO, nights wkends 528 -rwno IANVA1F 1504 4 BR, riminn rrn kit t4DOmO utils 1 mo sec dep Sec 8 OK 655 1326 2019 LONGWOOD 3BR. $340 mo 2920 GRANTLt Ave 3RR. $325 mo Others avail 236-4030 LONGWOOD ST 709 N.
6 rms. oil, $325 mo 366 2898 LUCERNE AVE 6(X) blk. 3 BR, Wn WW raroet $425 Geisendafter Rlty 243 (1012 MADISON ST Nr Milton, rent wopt to buy 3BR fcUG $325 342-1959 MAPLE AVE 5306 Six rms. oil. $350 mo 366-2898 RAMSEY ST Balto 2 BR.
sep dtnrm. new gas furnace MT MT 19 1 A MONDAWMIN 3417 six rms. oil. $380 mo 3b6-2aa MONTFORD AVE 1406 six rms. oil, $265 mo 3bb-2BMB MORAVIA 2BR Twnhse, I'S ba, gas ht, sec dep mo rent, rets req'd.
$535 mo Avail Ad 1 1 a 87 485-7322 PLEASANT GOLF COURSE AREA Jon IH. clubrm, new mod kit. quiet neighborhood Avail Mar 1st. aoo mo t- urns a sec qbp Mrs Gaffney 391-3203 or 339-4220 VERNON-Seton Hill Re stored twnhse. 2BH aen, parking.
FP, skylights. WD. yard $550 mo 728-7719 CATHERINE ST 3BR $249 1709 ROSEDALE 3BR $329 2303 HARFORD RD 3BR $349 2802 SANTA Ft AVt JBM 2041 HOLUNS 3BR $239 108 EDMONDSON ben iO NBC 669-3131 NORWOOD AVE 2 BR Quiet area, Ige rms, eat in kit. ww carpet. 1V baths, no pets $420utils 426-4112 OTTERBEIN 2 sty Thse condo 2 BR w2' baths, tpi.
nowa firs, whigh ceilings, mod kit. cond, lull Dsmt Dianu new. Call 23b-eo93 PIMLICO AREA Fnh rent tree 3524 Belvedere 3 BR $299 24J-3bUU RIGGS AVE 1406 six rms. gas, $225 mo 3bb-2MMB ROLAND PARKME DFIELD 2 BR Thse Famrm, WW car pet, laundry, fenced rear ya 391-7264 or 95b-6445 LONGWOOD ST 406, 6 rms, bath, bsmt, yd Newiy decor, gas ht $295 mo sec 947-5921 SOUTHWEST BALTIMORE Houses for rent yo-jbi ST PAUL ST 1600 Blk $375 Cole St 1600 Blk $225 Woodyear St 1 700 Blk $200 Geisendafter Rlty 243-OU12 WASHINGTON ST 2001 6 rms, oil, $320 mo 3bb-2BSB WAVERLY House for sublet, narlia turn. 2 dm.
tireoi wood stove, eat-in-kit front back porch Ihru May 31st Call (202) 232-1830 WHATCOAT ST 1 102 six rms. oil, $2QO mo Jbb-2BB WINSTON AVE 1310 3 BR. LR. DR. kit.
club bsmt, lawn porch Ige bkyd $490 mo sec dep Call renda 542-2250 HOUSES RENT SUB (615) A Buy like rent or leaseop tion OB B41-bU14 ARE YOU RENTING THINK YOU CAN I BUT A r-iurvic Call Broker, 760 8956 ARNOLD 3 yr old home Mins to Annapolis 3 brl, in oatn, LR. UH, gar Dsmr. ear in kit wmicrowave, 24x12 deck, drapes, curtains, Vbimds, shades, ac, pump. Lease, sec. dep.
aoou mo. rn 044-140 art pin CAPE ST. CLAIRE, new split toyer, 3 Bn, lm, um. appi tull bsmt. wtmished fam.
rm, CAC. WW, beach pnv $680 mo Darlene 8b9-8176 CARROLL ISLAND New twnhse, tuny equippea, oa mo Call 823-1975 evenings CATONSVILLE WOODLAWN 3 BEDROOM TOWNHUUbtS FROM Sbbb Ptn MUtN 1 Fenced vd full tile bsmt wplayrm 2 Datns. cenirai Air rond ww carpet, disn- washer disnosal refrto nme uvwfthr dnr. 2 month lease option. Cable TV avai Open daily a-, aai 9-5.
Sun. 1D-5 Woodlawn Dr. betw. Johnnycake Rd Security Blvd EHO CALL 788-4323 Regional Mgmt Inc Agt DAY mo 2BR townhome 2B4- IUU niiNHAl 7901 Stratman Rd 3 some wrencea rear yd ww carpet bsmt refng From $502 per mo Open daily 9 to 9. Sat 9-5.
Sun 10-b 2 mo lease ootion Cable TV avail 282- 5522 Regional Mgmt Agent DUNDALK 8301 Kavanaugh Rd 3 BH tLKj uption IO ouy $479 mo 592-2i)b pqciFy. 5 in Middle River Rd Loe indiv nome, iaeai ror fams, $597 mo 592-2967 ESSEX-Walnut Grove-Gracious living where peace ot mmo and relaxation is unsurpassed for those who deserve the best townhome living Spacious 3 Bdrms. 2 or 2 V4 Bath with large Clubroom 1 aundrv Room hookups Draft-free windows with over insulated exterior walls to save-vou on your fuel bills Call 574-1800 for aoDOintment to see our award winning townhomes Open 7 days a week Mon thru Sun 9 30 AM-5 30 PM FULLERTON Bungalow Young married couple, no peis children Call 882-2525 GLEN BURNIE Spacious Bdrm Townnouse, r-uny equip Kitchen, WW Carpeting, WasherDryer. Priced From $bOO Call bneri, bu-ukAj i ANnnwNE 3 BR. rancher.
$b2bmo -r mo sec oep Washerdryer, refng. AC Avail March 1, 859-5957 MILLERSVILLE 2 BR. fully r-nrriMtrt WlJ. no D61S Avail immed $560mo. Call Nicole 987-9230 796-4342 MIIIFRSVILLE 3 BR I'S ba Avai immed WW carpel ma.
WD $566mo No pets Call 987-9230 7964342 NORTHEAST Gardenvillage model at buiu Marqueue RH iwnr Tedonia Mall hwlrm fenced rear vd Fr $419 mo Some with ww carpet Initial $100 security dep on some townhouses 2 month lease option Cable TV avail in some Open daily 10-9. Sat Sun 10-5 Call 866 5993 Regional Mgmt Agent NORTHEAST Parkside Gar dens Office at b3O0 Moravia Rd at Sinclair Lane. 3 bedrm fenced rear yd $442 per mo WW carpeting Dnan daily 9-9. Sat 8) Sun 9-5 Call 488-1800. Regional Mgmt Aoent ni rF forgf 2 Bedrm Town home, tuny carpeiea.
an appls 1 year old Call Amber 529 21UU Mil 3 BR Twnhse, $600 utils Mr rviunrue 239-8330 btwn 9am-4 30pm, aft 5 PM 239 6623 PARKVILLE CARNEY UPTON VILLAGE 668-2882 $200 OFF FIRST MONTH'S RENT Country living in A convenient oration iome see our 3 BR twnhses in a spacious setting WasherDryer incr Crnm 45 Ih nnr mo Daily 10 to 6 Sat Sun 1 1-5 uoseo rnursuy AnnlirantK Onlv Of fer Good 'Til Feb 28, 1987 Equal Housing Opportunity PERRY HALL Our combination of luxury, size and location is nara io Cnarifvi 7 Hdrm 2 Bat Townhome now available for the adult who looxing ior the- hest Fu SIM washer drver plus microwave cook inn ranlfll make thlS tOWh- home a must see' 256-1 100 PERRY HALL AREA 3 BR Tnwvnhnuse. ww l.arneting Cent Air. 11 baths All Maior Appls Call Amy. 529 2100 PI-PRY A I 1. new 3 Twnhorno ww ao'-A-imu Mike, 435 4806, 6 10PM RANDALLSTOWN ROCKDALE 3 Bedroom Semi-detached Walking Distance to School Available Nowl Quiet settmi but close to Liberty no 695 Beltway CALL 655-8600 RANDALLSTOWN Style and convenience is why iht tnwnnome is seconu i none Eat-in kitchen, lull size rooms.
2 bdrms, 1 baths and beautiful hardwoo floors We can also otter you new plush wali-io-wan car nounn it that better suit vour decorating style Call today. 922 675 cm itmwe ST Hollinswood 221 JO Patapsco ct oeurm some wfenced rear yos ww carpet, refng ti horn Fmm $4RO Iflfl bedrm $468 mo 2 month lease option avail Open 9 5 Mpn Sal Call 64A-31J ne-ci nal Mgmt Agt yrs experience required Call Gfcorge Nalevanko 301-b47-1604 1 TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS 120 5 Uidham bt Buna nec paper work EOE TRANSPORTATION TERMINAL SALES MANAGER Glown onented-48 states common carrier Truck load carrier needs aggressive, take-charge individual to manage terminal and sales in Bolto market area Send i esume and salary require ments to Box M9749 SUN TRAVEL AGENT Growinn Ca fihhean tour operator based 'in downtown Baltimore seeks Sabre trained reserva fionssales aoent with corpo or leisure backaround Excellent benefits Call Jean Palaigos 212 667-2050 TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED TEAMS! TEAMS! TEAMS! NEW EQUIPMENT Large carrier, with the Closeness of a small company, seeking qualilied drivers Husband and wife teams welcomed Pay up to 28t per mile plus bonus plan, major medical, and other benefits Must have 2 years OrR experience. Current compl MVR class A license No drugs 32 7-5800 TRUCK DRIVER Class B. local short hauls Pior Experience with retail store chain necessary Good pay benefits Acceptable MVR satisfactory employment records required Apply daily aft SAM at Princess Shops, 2401 Northpoint Blvd TRUCK DRIVER Plumbing supply house Must have Mary- land Class license current copy of driving re- cord, Call Mike Carre, 727-0800 between 8 30 4 TRUCK DRIVERFor klift operator Class A or license Clean record Lumber experience preferred 789 6 100 TRUCK DRIVER Owner ooerator wtd for pier 8i local dravaqe, require a tandem tractor Call Jack 342 0700 TRUCK DRIVERS for larqe lumber co A or license must' 10-noon call 233-3333 TRUCK DRIVER Class A Exp wdump trailer Clean driving record, fiH HH70 TRUCKING INBOUND SUPERVISOR Must be exp'd in routing Ralto. DC Va areas Principals only Send resume to Box M')H28 SUN THIirK I I IMF MAN to do Oil chanoes.
grease fuel pnnm minor maintenance Class lie Clean record 451 5113. 8 AM 2 PM TRUCK MECHANIC Full time permanent position with small cnoniicai manu-' frturRr in Curtis Bav area Will maintain our fleet of trailers, trucks, and construction equipment Must be ciualified in diesel repair Must have references and transportation Class A license and own tools a plus Apply in person Delta Chemi-ral CoriKiration. 2601 Can- nrry Ave Baltimore, MD 2126 or rail 3b4 0100 TRUCK MECHANICS National coriiofation is seekinq qualified C.l.i,4 AB Mechanics HfMvy truck experience with Class AB license and clean dnvmg record txcenem wa'ies benefits Opportti- nines for advancement Apply in person Waste Mannqe-ment of MD Ralto 6333 Macaw Ct Elkridge, MD 2122, 703 7010 Equal Op portunity employer TRUCK MhCHANIC Lioht ft hravv duty State msp Up to iunr or ouu siraigni comrnisinn Merchant s. bXJ0 Wabash Ave 542 1RH8 TfUICK OWNfH OPERATORS Step cube vans Air Freight pit kup A delivery Call "nt. 10AM, 859 bf0 TRUCK TIHfc MAN exp'd Cony of driving record Good rets Ip to $8fir Apply Merchant's.
bOOO Wabash Ave M2 1HHR TYPESETTER Immediate Dinning for nxperi-enred LUDLOW TYPESETTER with good work attitude Excellent benefits, free pntking Salary dnmnds on experience Call for interview appl, Maryland Rubber Stamp Co 342 9100 TYPIST A Columbia based check print thfl firm has an immediate OtB'ninq for the 3PM 11PM sruft Need 5 (eople for the CRT Typist position in our Order Entry Dept 3b-50WPM required Apply within. 9AM JPM, Falconer Sncuriiy Printers -9b Red Branch Rd Columbia, MD 21046 7 t() 87 10 entry Lnvripnrf'H tvntst wanted im- Mifiuiiely fcxcellnnt co paid brneMs Frpo pnikinq, top 1 phv inrentivR programs i fnr nppt 742 TYPISTS 'DAY 8, EVENING Nflpilmf 8 311AM 1PM Mon En ft bPM 9fM Mon-Fn must he a hardwo'ker (V tvtio at least 4b WPM Coll 94-04BO tqual Housing BOLTON HILL OLD FRIENDS APARTMENTS Historic Restoration a new level of residential grandeur 2-story duplexes, lotts, 1-story duplexes, lofts. 1-story apt incorporating raised living area, high ceilings, over-size windows, skylights to create a light, airy feeling Affording beautiful view of Bolton Hill and the City Elevator bldg street parking From 49y mo For immed or Mar. occupancy. Open Sat thru weo i i-o par Wira.
Laurens Call 523 8274 or 35b-Buu Eves jDo-jtw Apartments with the SltGEL difference Equal Housmo Opportunity BOLTON HILL Apartments ranging trom iu Pl-Aa rmo 539-3123 BOLTON HILL Lae spac 1BR, WU. DW. 3KR-7779 aft 8pm wkdays BOLTON HILL 1 BH 20. 2BH Sb2b uuiei, atj. Immed occup 381-1668 BROADVIEW APTS 105 VV 3ytn unrurnTurn RRc P.K.M ASSOC 945 rnxrlwav 1Q-6 747 7100 eho BUTCHERS HILL 2 120 Lombard bt -jbpi bpi new facils $3'5mo 747-1633 att 5pm, 335 5200 BUTCHERS HILL-charming.
BH, compi renov, sec, call 628-6294 $290 CALVERT ST 900 Blk Senior Adults CARROLLTON AVE 106 ft bath, $166 539 5522 Nice 2 rms mo Ht incl CATONSVILLE-2 ft 3 BR townhome apts rviouei Call 646-4116 CHARLES VILLAGE Sunny BH, LM, kir pain, twnhse $425 mo incls all utils, ht Call Mr Roberts 243-H3B ABOVE UNIVERSI- TY SpaClOUS I on nv Conv to Hopkins ft down-town Gar avail 23b-3UJ CHARLES VILL Bright BH, StuOV. Lr-iLn firs $380 mo incl ht Garden exit 366 6283 eveswkends CHARLES VILL Calvert St Lge renov bh api ii, ft hw incl 668 366 CHARLES CENTER new luxury Park Charles Apts 752 4950 CHARLES ft 32nd-New 1 ft 4 BR opp JH univ rnt tn" CHARLES ST 1202 $25 728-1400 Charles Vill nice 2 BR nr univ Quiet locked bldg 542 6002 CHARMING Spacious 2 BR Twnhomes now renting Lovely neighborhood Please call 444-1 180 CHAS VILL "Nice 4rm ft kit Empl Profs Only $284 Ht incl Mr) Ave 235 359 CLIFTON AVE 3300 blk 2 BR $295 incl heat Near busline Adults onlv 663 3303 COLDSPRING LANE AND uuap.a;h AVE 290O Coldspnng La Lge mod 1 BR $300 mo Elec HW incl Near Subway Station 542 1111 COLDSPRING ft Garrison lge, clean. 3BR apt JUU sec dep 879 7264 CROSS KEYS ARf A cai i p.Ririf;F APTS Lae 1 ft 2 BRs 366 B500 CYPRESS GARDENS 2 BRs. ww carp J5, I ame 1 2 utils No pets Sec 8 okay 426 4112 DENMORE 5022 2 BH $290 DtNMORF 6030 1 BH $260 Frx.l-r.OMB 2863 2BR $295 366 41 14 or 243 36tXj AVE-Park Hats ar ea Mod 1 ft 2 BR garden apts AC, newiy dec jwj 4114 or 243 36fXl DOWNTOWN Sutton Place Aots Live here ft the whole town looks up to you 1111 Park Ave 728 86UO Druid Pk Lake Dr vie, adults only 2BR apts 5 ims 34i 1515, 523 26B8 DUTCH VILLAGE Apts ft twnhses 444 4280 oitn hj I ujerne Ave 1 BR $240 mo ft 1 BR $260 mo Both incl all util 639 2') 1 EDMONDSON VILLAGE BH Ants 656 2 2' 16 EHO ELSINOHE 20O (Walbrook) 3rd fir 2BR, LR, DH, narlor $295 mo Ht ft mcl Adults 639 5522 19TW 28th 233 6663 St 2 BR EUTAW PL Deluxe lux WD AC. DW.
1st fir mo 466 1881 1BR $4(XJ FEDERAL HILL 1 BH. newly renov CAC. WD. ww. DW Skylight Vj2) iw FEDERAL ST 24 1 1 1 BH utils $220 mo 366 2H96 FEILS PT hist rehab.
1 BH. ww. WD, AC, FP $430 utils 484 6844 73? 863 FOHFST PARK nr Lake Aih burton 1 BR $20, 2 BH $iOO. incl ht ft Adults only Near bus 663 3303 BETHANY BEACH 3BR 2V ba twnht All amenities, 1 bll to bearh Price reduced to tlb.lO Exc buv Croiviev Associates 1-800-iEA-SIDE Call davs 465-7400 Eves 461 431 $2JU t- utils DIX-M.