fcggflngtltg'Omrg lit ON THE GO Tips on Folklore Galore in Cape God Driving. considered competition. Contrary to public opinion, it is safer to drive in France than in any other European country. However, French drivers have notoriously bad tempers, and it is the wise American motorist who smiles and lets well enough alone. Remember, too, the car coming from the right always has the right of way.
All to be said for driving in Japan is: Don't Taxicab and rail transportation is excellent, so don't risk your life unnecessarily. Abroad safest countries for driving. -But watch the narrow-winding roadways, inexperienced drivers and amateur road racers. Remember also, in Britain cars keep to the left Driving in Italy is dangerous. Had Italy the same number of automobiles as the United States, itstraffic death toll last year'would have numbered 180,000 as compared to the U.S.
total Planning to take an automobile tour abroad? If so, the National Automobile dub advises tourists to prepare for the driving Britain is one of Europe's of 48,000 In 1964. Driving is as low as CHARTER .1, ccid 1 4 of an old man I know. But he didn't despair. Instead he sat on a dune and waited for it to -wash ashore, which it did, and he returned it to Its original foundation. Spinning across' the mounds of sand in dune buggies is a popular tourist pastime.
Warren Pazolt took us buggy riding out past Pilgrim Spring. In springtime the valleys of the dunes are bathed in yellow and purples with the blossoming of the beach plum. Yellow grass waves like a field of wheat in the breath of the Atlantic, and hanging to the horizon is Pilgrim Tower." Sometimes when the tide runs low the ocean reveals the ships it has claimed rotting hulls held fast to sand bars. Canadian geese flock to the dunes. There's wild cranberry and deer and fox.
And ocean winds carry the fragrance of bay-berry and salty gusts of the sea itself. One could almost give up tranquilizers. Miracle Rock Coloradd's Miracle Rock is so delicately balanced a child can set it in motion. Measuring 82 feet high, it is the largest balanced stone in the world. BY JEBRY HULSE Times Travel Editor PROVINCETOWN, Mass.
An immense arm, crooked at the elbow, reaches out ,70 miles from the Massachusetts' mainland to land's end. One step beyond here, Henrietta, and its Davy Locker. The dropoff is Provincetown, poised like a fist at the watery end of Cape Cod. The castaways end. After this it's sink or swim.
First came the Norseman, followed by the Pilgrim, followed by the artist. Who after, this but the tou- rist? Plymouth may have soaked up all the glory. But Provincetown makes blatant boast of the fact that Myles Standish Co. first sloshed ashore in the New World at this point. Cars approaching town are advised of this historical truth by a sign announcing in great black letters: Welcome to Provincetown First Land- ing Place of The Pilgrims.
Beards and Beats Town criers add tiiat Provincetown was the nation's first art colony (and now its biggest). Of a summer day the narrow byways spill over with the beards and the beats. Spring's arrival How to spend 2 wcclco roaming the Caribbean for just $563! Yi Yoa can explore Florida, the Bahamas or Ber tsada and spend a week cndsbig throngh the Caribbean, Panama Canal snd along the coast of Mexico on new "Caribbean vsci MggSs MASS. HUT SUSS ESCORTED TOURS LOWEST KVEFt to EUROPE IXCIT! NO 12 COUNTRIES ESCORTED INCLUSIVE TOU1 JET 22 DAYS 790 Prom lot Angolot MONTHLY CALL FOR INFORMATION' ALHAMBRA, 47 Se. Srtll AT.
2-5171 ANAHEIM, 433 W. Una. PR. 4-5070 RMNTWD, 101S Swabrei 4544311 IURBR, 3311 W. Mifnla YI.I4S3I CHTSWRTH, 21903 Dives.
3414180 COMPTON, 421 E. Cnptii HE. 14831 LAMTIU 711 AU. PA 10371 El MONTE, 11756 E. Vly.
CU. 3-72R3 ENCENITAS, 471 Flrtt PL 34211 ESCONOIDO, 257 E. Sie. 745-4055 FU1LT. 117V! E.
Cmwlth. TR. 1-0101 GLENDORA, 120 W. Alette YO. 3-1 1 33 179 Hollywd.
Bl. HO. 9-8848 INGLW0, 129 N. Market OR. 3-3443 IAR.
5265 E. Sit, 4334917 LA, 11554 St Mmlea (R. 7-7571 NATt CITY, 731 I lOttl 474-2208 NORTHROS, 9514 Rends TR. 3-8073 P. PAL, 1013 Swibniir 4544311 PASAOENA.
754 Cola. 195-5887 S. BERNDIN0, 428 5th St TO. 94087 SAN DIE60. 338 St 2344257 SEPULV, 8531 Sipnlv.
894-1161 SH. OAKS, 4718 Wwdrnn. 788-2444 WESTWOOD, 1083 Gayley 6R. 3-5198 LA, 643 S. Olive, MA 3-3139 1965' tours.
AU for as little as $34 a day! Read highlights below. Then call for complete details. EXCURSION FARES SAVK Ut TO SIM. Thru Tour Jirlet Eacli 3 Wnkt TwrTOnnd Tour of Europe HgiviiV nonajinia tlum. Carmany, Switzerland, Italy, Monica, Frtnen-Ufld amnismentt from 1362.
Total tow price from S6SI. NY to NY. TNT Spain, Portunl, Spanish Maroeco. una irmiamantt fr. S33S.
Totil tour pr jce from 63S. MY to KY Teef WiBrltlsh) Isles, SciMlna. via. Una arrtnianwrto from 8348. Total tonr Btic from S92S.
MY to MY from the sea in lakes surrounded by jtands of pine, only a whisper from the ocean. Once there was top soil and vegetation along the shore, but the winds blew it away and formed the dunes. It's lonely and hypnotic. There is a magnificent stretch of beach that runt from Race Point to Highland Light Between it and Spain there is only ocean. They call this lonely slice of shoreline the graveyard of the Atlantic.
Dug into the sandbars are the bones of hundreds of mariners. During the Revolutionary War the watery graveyard claimed the British man-o'-war Somerset, and at the turn of the century a steamer sank, Carrying with it 176 lives. The winter 21 days. BermudaCaribbean. From $719.
Leave Los Angeles July 10 by jet for 2 glittering days in Miami. Next: 3 days in New York with a trip to the World'a Fair. Then on to Bermuda for another 3 days before boarding giant Oronsoy-ono of the "big-1 gest bloomin ships sailing the seven sailing home by way of Florida, the Caribbean, Panama and 1 Acapulco. Arrive Los Angeles July 31. i 14 days.
BahamasCaribbean. From $563. Leave Los Angeles either August 21 or September 17 for Grand i Bahamas Island. Then 4 glorious days in Nassau. De- pending upon which departure you choose, youll home on either PiO-Orient's flagship Canberra or the Oriana.
Your route: the Caribbean, Panama and Mexico. Arrive Los Angeles September 4 or October 2. Start your plans now. For complete details and free 10NEE8 TOURS YiiSHIPtrAlX 1 MNMtTnrtlHMa, 2ttojsaiytPrMf7ti.l(Yfeirr. "Unmatehtd Mary, Sylvanit, Uoltad SUtet, Rottar.
dam, Statandam, Mituw Amttardam, HameaUe, oteodr fly by TWA Jet. INSIST ON I I On Jet excursion fartt tours and tonf tr COOK'S tours, una irranienima in ALL FIRST CLASS 1M EUROPE FUNCRU1SE $1280 Tht tow priest art most ntiontbls and Mtittdti 1) Trans-Atlintlc transpor 41 to 44 MY! vfr tation! a) Trav Europe oy oaiuxt literature, call Travelers Cheques motarooaeli, first class rail and than Ml itaamarit Si First elm hotatt. pa seas swept away the home lth prNato bath Sireughouti 4) Practically alt moelsi t) Compltta 8lin- LINES Thatte because it's everywhere. And like in Hawaii, teenage boys dive for coins tossed by tourists off the excursion boat from Boston. Its arrival is signaled by a Halloween character in pilgrim get-up who swings a bell and shouts.
Stand back, the tourists are coming! Summer Haven Cape Cod's slender finger reaches out those 70 miles, a narrow spit battered on the one side by the Atlantic, bathed on the other by Cape Cod Bay and Nantucket Sound. Formed by glaciers and molded by wind and wave, it serves as a summer haven for tourists arriving wilted from the cities of the East, another target on American Airlines' "Discover the U.S." list. Should you be taking in the World's Fair you can go all the way to the tip at Provincetown by land or sea or road. By boat the journey takes 3 12 hours. By plane you can do it in less than half an hour from Boston.
We drove up from Boston, past cottages weathered and gray ancient windmills, lonely lighthouses. Fishing boats scraped the spindly, splintered legs of wharves; and there was the smell of the sea and the sad -cry of gulls soaring against a flawless slsy. There is no place else like the Cape, nowhere in the world. Sand dunes rise to 60 feet and more. Winds send them shifting.
But always they reappear. Bathers wash away the salt 611 W. 7th Street Los Angeles Phone MA 0-1880 satinf prof rami cj rroreisionaiiouT Mansisrsi 71 All TrsMlersi 8) TOs Tims) 0) A nott of spatial features. Fraqttnt Departures on All Tetrt. Abt OrfortArainW fne Warfrf Tows l( in year Travel Afeot Call MA reo? AMERICAN, TWA, UNITED I NON-STOP they cost 25 less- lent sane tt iorgtsf cptfOfor 32ni ofWORlO Tear MSB HOIUNO AMCUCA UNI Lv.
lot AnftlM July 20 or Aut. vli Jtt 3 nights In N.Y. (2 full ity Fair) Sail to Europt on S.S. RortrdmrNltuwAinitrdtm Visit 11 COUNTRIES I Europ, Enrlmd, Holland, Garmany, SwlUarlind, liaeh tanstain, Italy, Auatria, San Marino, Monaco, Franca, Inland Datum on on claaa fabulous ewlia linar S.S. Statandam on unlqua eruiia throufh Carlbbaan, Curacao, Panama Canal, watt coast of Cantral Amarlea and Maxleo to lot Angola! Priea In-cludaa transportation from lot An.
itiat and rstum, food hotels, maalt, fipt, transftrs, sifhttMinf, partias, CO TO NEW YORK ON YOUR OWN-0EDUCT 4194.10. Call Write for Calartul Flar FUI1TOURS A I Milan of Trttal Cantor, In. tiar M9 SO. OUVI ST, IA. 90014 marks their return a phenomenon as assuredas the flight of the swallows tack to Capistrano.
The artists dabble and the tourists watch and later they 'pay handsomely for what they've seen. That's what makes the world go round here at land's end. That and boating and fishing and just watching the beats and the kooks. Ih years bygone, Provincetown was a whaling village. Second only to Nantucket and New Bedford.
Mariners searched the icy waters of the Arctic. They sailed around the Horn to the Pacific. Almost a Jonah Provincetown's natives tell how one Capt John Atkins lost his footing and fell into the mouth of a whale. But he clawed his way to safety before being swallowed like Jonah. Back in Provincetown he repeated the tale till his eyes grew watery and his voice faltered and finally he died.
swear it's the truth. 1 In modern Provincetown tourists nibble on and there are other 'delights fresh from the sea. Rooms in the inns look mostly out on the water. nn i OATIWAY aVOUOAYS 727 W. Iwentti, LA.
00017 Plsass sand frao booklet to uUEACH i I NEW YORK 105 than the others WAY mxr i Plus Tax 1 ROUND THE WORLD I I I I VIM BlM liuL.lr lr. CITY- fttend trip en 6ri tin far MlvMual tranl. Rttura frai WuMntten, D.O. Tranneriktle to tram N.Y. WuhlRtten, D.O.
ASdlUwiil mmmatasJ i if EUROPE. lMaam $740 i SHURI mm SERVICE. I7N IEVERLT IX 0SS S03S IS7-M2I "Clin mi tuvt" maJ MA- 7-4747 MM mm AFRICA 20-S3Bmt1fU1 In S0.PACIFICi2SSDi $678 70 SO. AMER. IMS Diyt $1121 I I Uluriii TJ.r.
issuance charge still only 75 per $100 WHY PAY MORE? THOS.COOK SON WORLD'S LARGEST TRAVEL ORGANIZATION 520 Witt Slxtk Strut Ui Ancilit MEXICO iiDir I301 tTVltKT lW4M( MvntWt 1st tsk Trml 9 n. I City. 1359 Wllihln soolivard, linrty Hills Mm 499 tl DCIIR BftUllYira, UR MKB 2 Siuth Uki Avanoi, Pmdini I TZ 510 W. Cth Sr, L.A. 14 ouiTMHk Dept.
MA. 2-7114 No tours give you such wonder-filled weeks for so little as American Express "Priceless" tours S.S.Shalom Tassover Qruise (like 3 fun weeks for only 648) 42 days 10 romantic ports Live aboard the Shalom for 9 days in Israel during Passover Fares start at only $1210 WOULDN'T you expect more from the world's largest travel agency? Naturally. And mile for mile, dollar for dollar, you get more from American Express-the company for people who travel: The pick of the hotels (lst-class). The finest travel arrangements. (Pan Am Economy Jets.
Majestic ocean liners like the Queen Elizabeth.) The most knowledgeable escorts.The most luxurious motor coaches. "Priceless" tours '65 are American Express style-all the way. And there are no hidden extras. gain-hunting paradises. Sights well-known and off the beaten track.
You see it all from the snowcapped Alps to the leafy lanes of the Loire. Rest easy In lst-class hotels "Priceless" hotels have names to drop: Rotterdam Hilton, Vienna Intercontinental, Claridges, Paris. The cuisine en route? Ahh. Feast at La Chaumiere in Monte Carlo. Sip champagne in Montmartre.
Dine as you can dine only in Europe. Sit back In air-conditioned luxury Relax. You're aboard an Ameri Europe awaits you. There are 12 completely different "Priceless" itineraries. 400 departures, all available through the American Express Travel Agency and fine travel agents everywhere.
And remember, safeguard your money with American Express Travelers Cheques. Four typical "Priceless" tours COST COUNTRIES DAYS (Tram) tnilantfGtrminyltily Fnnet (10 NUHtrltt) 17 $S4S SpilnortunlNB. Africa 22 $4S NwwySwidMDtniMrk 22 S9SS Ruuli I Eiitira Europ 12 tUIZ UOeeuntrltk) liwhidini eontmy Mr (art tram Ntw ttrti Your first step Is free Don't go without seeing the free full-color 40-page "Priceless" booklet. Youll find tour routes, color hotels, prices, departures, even a wine list And remember: you can now charge escorted tours on your Ameriesa Express Credit Card-take up to a year to pay. NX xX I i 't-ttl 1 1 V- K-" At'-jj I can Express custom-made coach.
(Air-conditioned with individual controls.) ft See Europe-In depth ATriceless" tour is no glance-afid-be-gone whirl. Every trip is a tour depth. Your multilingual escort shows you Notre Dame and bar- The inside is luxurious. The seats recline. (There's room to strttch-or close your eyes and relive that moonlit gondola ride.) You see Europe as it was meant to be seen-in style.
400 tours to choose from Set off when you choose, where you choose. All Mr. R. V. Atkini, Anuricin Expren Co.
I 609 W. 7th St, Lot Angelei, Calif. 90017 Phonat MA 8-4301 Pku lend me th freo "Pricelesi" Eur6pt Brochure. vw' Kb visiting historic Rhodes, Piraeus, port of Athens, Cannes, Barcelona and Lisbon. She will arrive in New York on April 28, which will give you plenty of time to bask in the sun, feast on delicious kosher cuisine and let yourself be pampered in style.
(On this cruise the Shalom will be all first class, so when we say style we really mean it.) Advance reservations for this Spring Festival Pass over Cruise are being accepted now, YJ For information see your travel agent or callZim. UNESt51 On March 18, 1966 the luxurious Shalom will tail from New York on a special 42-day cruise. First she will visit Las Palmas in the Canary Islands, Palma de Majorca, Naples and Malta, stopping in each romantic port long enough for you not only to see it but to feel you have lived in it Next, 9 days in Haifa daring the joyous Passover season. The ship is your hotel for the entire time you will cele brate at a traditional Israeli sedcf, conducted by a world famous cantor. Then the Shalom will head back for New York, 'Wm wV if LOS ANOELESt 609 W.
Tih St. (MA 1-4301) In Ambowador 3400 Wllihtro IM. (DU 31 337) OKANOIi Tow Country No. 5, 777 So. Mold St.
(5474137) AUDBNAi 233 $. Ukt Avt. (MU 137) SEVeUY HIUSi 9154 Wlkhlro Slvrf. (Ot 44933) SAN DIEOOt 1034 Nvrtfc Am (II 27433) Owsiri XepmenutJvet Americas Israel! Shipping Company, lot, 510 Witt Sixth Street, lot Angslss, MA 7-I3JJ. Othet Office: Sta fraadtce, New York.
Bottoa, FhlUoYpUa, Chicago, Miami, Montreal, Toronto..